Tab 14

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Complaint No. Complainant (C) Recipient (R) Date
Complaint Allegations Potential Violations Legal Theory
Questions to be Answered Information on File Further Information Needed Source
      (Disparate Treatment and/or Disparate Impact)      

Complaint No. Complainant (C) Burley Recipient (R) Date
Complaint Allegations Potential Violations Legal Theory
Questions to be Answered Information on File Further Information Needed Source
Complainant was discriminated against based on his race by being denied referrals to engineering jobs Title VI, 42 U.S.C. 2000d Disparate Treatment        
  Denial of benefits or services of the program (42.104(b)(1)(i));   Did Complainant (C) apply for services from the Recipient (R)?


In what manner (in writing, in person, etc.)?

   How and when did Complainant (C) request/apply for services from the Recipient (R)?

Copy of his application for services and any related documents - copy of his file.

R and C

  Provision of a service that is different or is provided in a different manner from that provided others in the program (42.104(b)(1)(ii)); (CITES ARE TO DOJ TITLE VI REGS.)   Did C meet the criteria for participation in the R's program or for receipt of their services?

What are the criteria?

Was his application still active?

What services is he entitled to?

  What are the criteria for receipt of services from R?

Copies of all rules, regulations, policies and procedures governing R's program requirements for services.

Copies of application forms persons seeking assistance must fill out, as well as information they are provided on the program.




Treatment of an individual differently from others in determining whether he met eligibility or other requirements in order to be provided the service or benefit (42.104(b)(1)(v)).


Were there any engineer positions available during the time period C's application was on file/active?

How many?

When were they available?


List of all engineer positions available from the date C first applied for services to the present.

Position, salary, experience requirements as stated by employer.

Date each position was available and time period it remained open.



      Did C meet the referral criteria for any of the engineer positions?

What were the criteria?

Did C meet these criteria?

Were the criteria those specified by the employer or by R?


Copy of C's application with all supporting documentation, recommendations, etc.


Complaint No. Complainant (C) Burley Recipient (R) Date
Complaint Allegations Potential Violations Legal Theory
Questions to be Answered Information on File Further Information Needed Source
Complainant alleges blacks were discriminated against in being referred to engineering jobs Title VI, 42 U.S.C. 2000d Disparate Treatment and Disparate Effects        
  Denial of benefits or services of the program (42.104(b)(1)(i));   Were black applicants not referred as a class to engineering jobs for which they were as qualified as white applicants who were referred to the engineering jobs? Complainant's allegation Identify black applicants who were qualified for engineering jobs but were not referred. C and R
  Provision of a service that is different or is provided in a different manner from that provided others in the program (42.104(b)(1)(ii)); (CITES ARE TO DOJ TITLE VI REGS.)       Copies of all logs of person coming into the office seeking job referrals (by race if possible) within a certain time period.

List of all clients who identified themselves broken out by race if possible.

List of all clients referred to engineering jobs by race, showing date, job referred to, and whether hired.



  Treatment of an individual differently from others in determining whether he met eligibility or other requirements in order to be provided the service or benefit (42.104(b)(1)(v)).

He alleges that applicants were coded by race. Same as above   Were applicants coded by race? Complainant's allegation List of all job codes and how they are assigned.

Review of application forms to determine whether codes were used in a proper manner, according to procedures.



Complaint No. Complainant (C) Burley Recipient (R) Date
Complaint Allegations Potential Violations Legal Theory
Questions to be Answered Information on File Further Information Needed Source
Complainant alleges that staff was rude to minority clients   Disparate Treatment (Pattern) Are minority applicants seeking services treated in a hostile manner? Complainant's allegation All complaints received by respondent alleging discrimination within a time certain, number, kind. R
      Does this cause a "chilling effect" on their interest and willingness to request/use the services?   Check with state and local human rights agency for same information.

Check with local civil rights organizations, if appropriate, to see whether they know of persons who allege they have been treated in a discriminatory manner.

Outside organizations - state, local, civil rights, community (anecdotal information)

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This page was last updated on February 07, 2001

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