USGS - science for a changing world

North Dakota Water Science Center


Bibliographic Listing of All Reports - Lists over 700 reports and abstracts - may download slowly

USGS North Dakota District publications may be searched for by keyword, author, or publication type.  Resources for searching for publications on a national level are located at the bottom of this page.  Some of the publications listed are available in print format only, and others are available online.  Links to the online publications are provided within the bibliography pages on this web site.

Popular Keywords or Phrases

Search for Publications on this Web Site

Type a word or phrase below and press the search button. Results display on the main USGS search engine web page. From there, choose a match or use the browser’s back command to return to this page.



Search the Publications Warehouse

Author’s Last Name

Select The First Letter Of Author’s Last Name

     _A_  _B_  _C_  _D_  _E_  _F_  _G_  _H_  _I_  _J_  _K_  _L_  _M_  _N_  _O_  _P_  _Q_  _R_  _S_  _T_  _U_  _V_  _W_  _X_  _Y_  _Z_

Publication Type

Click on one of the following buttons to view online reports or abstracts by publication type.

Online Circulars or Circular Abstracts  What is a Circular?

Online Data Series  What is the Data Series?

Fact Sheets  What is a Fact Sheet?

Open-File Reports  What is an Open-File Report?

Scientific Investigations Reports  What is a Scientific Investigations Report?

Water-Resources Investigations Reports  What is a Water-Resources Investigations Report?

Water-Data Reports  What is a Water-Data Report?

Online Water-Supply Papers or Water-Supply Paper Abstracts  What is a Water-Supply Paper?

Miscellaneous Abstracts  What are Miscellaneous Abstracts?

National Publications

National Publications Search                Water Resources Publications and Prodcuts

How to Obtain Publications

Many publications are available online and links to them may be found in the bibliographies on this web site.  Printed copies may be obtained through U.S. Geological Survey Information Services.  Click on the button below for contact information.

How to Obtain Publications


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