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Work Plans

Supplemental Habitat Assessment Work Plan (September 2005)

The Supplemental Habitat Assessment Work Plan presents the approach and locations for collecting additional habitat assessment data to assist in the design of the dredging project.

Index of Work Plans

Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for the Hudson River PCBs Site Baseline Monitoring Program (May 2004)

Remedial Design Work Plan

Supplemental Engineering Data Collection Work Plan (SEDC Work Plan)

Treatability Studies Work Plan

Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for the Hudson River PCBs Site Baseline Monitoring Program (May 2004)

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Baseline monitoring is meant to document the condition of the river prior to dredging and to provide the data needed to support development of the dredging and post-dredging monitoring programs. The river conditions of primary interest include PCB concentrations in the river water, PCB mass load from the Upper Hudson River to the Lower Hudson River, and PCB concentrations in fish. This Quality Assurance Project Plan is consistent with the approved Free PDF reader available Baseline Monitoring Program Scoping Document, August 2003, which defines the goals and details of the Baseline Monitoring Program.

Remedial Design Work Plan

The plan for designing the dredging project is detailed in the Remedial Design Work Plan, which describes design support activities, the engineering design process, key remedial design reports and deliverables, and schedule milestones. Other work plans describe the baseline monitoring program, habitat delineation and assessment, and cultural and archeological resources assessment.

Design Work Plans Fact Sheets
Free PDF reader available Remedial Design Work Plan Free PDF reader available Project Design Work Plans
Free PDF reader available Baseline Monitoring Program Scoping Document Free PDF reader available Baseline Monitoring Program
Free PDF reader available Cultural and Archaeological Resources Assessment Free PDF reader available Cultural and Archaeological Resources Assessment
Free PDF reader available Habitat Delineation and Assessment Free PDF reader available Habitat Delineation and Assessment

Supplemental Engineering Data Collection Work Plan (SEDC Work Plan)

The SEDC Work Plan describes the technical approach for collecting additional engineering data to assist in the design of the dredging project. The SEDC Work Plan provides the framework for field activities to be conducted by General Electric Company during the Year 2 Supplemental Engineering Data Collection Program (Year 2 SEDC Program) to support the development of the project design, as described in the Remedial Design Work Plan.

Treatability Studies Work Plan

The Treatability Studies Work Plan presents the approach for collecting additional data to support the design of the dredging project, as described in the Remedial Design Work Plan (RD Work Plan), and provides the framework for conducting treatability studies. Treatability studies will provide performance information for a number of sediment and water processing technologies and will provide data to guide equipment selection and sizing during project design. The goal of the treatability testing is to reasonably reduce uncertainties in the design of the dredging project so that informed design decisions can be made.


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