

Environmental Compliance at Colleges & Universities - As part of its focused efforts on colleges and universities, EPA Region 2 has developed a web site to assist colleges and universities in gathering the information necessary to achieve, maintain, and go beyond compliance with environmental regulations. The site includes guidance, relevant documents, presentations delivered at several conferences, and a number of links related to environmental auditing, self-disclosure, regulations, pollution prevention, and a wide array of topics geared toward those involved in all aspects of environmental protection at academic institutions.

Free PDF reader available Environmental Compliance & Pollution Prevention Training Manual for Campus-based Organizations Exit EPA disclaimer    - The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's Pollution Prevention Unit and the State University of New York at Buffalo developed this manual which includes a summary of regulations, environmental compliance requirements, and pollution prevention methods for operational and facility maintenance personnel on campuses.

Free PDF reader available Environmental Self-Audit for Campus-based Organizations Exit EPA disclaimer   - (2000. free) The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's Pollution Prevention Unit developed this quick and easy checklist for determining environmental compliance and pollution prevention opportunities for operational and facility maintenance personnel on campuses.

National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education Exit EPA disclaimer - was created in 1991 by EPA to collect, develop, and disseminate educational materials on pollution prevention and represents a collaborative effort between business and industry, government, non-profit organizations, and academia.

Laboratory Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention - A Guide for Teachers Exit EPA disclaimer (1996. free) - This guide was developed by the Battelle Seattle Research Center to explain how one can minimize the hazardous wastes and other undesirable by-products generated by experiments that are performed in classroom laboratories. It is intended for middle school, high school, and college science teachers.

Environmental Management Guide for Small Laboratories (1998. free) This document provides information designed to help staff in small labs better understand their responsibility for good environmental management. Its purpose is to assist in the development and implementation of environmental management programs which meet important Federal regulatory requirements.

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