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Go Green! July 2007

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EPA News You Can Use - July 2007

Enviro-Tip of the Month
What You Can Do, What You Can Use
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
About This Newsletter


Enviro-Tip of the Month – July 2007

July is UV Safety month: The UV Index predicts the strength of harmful solar rays. Check your forecast map - when you know how strong the sun's rays will be, you can take steps to protect yourself and your family from overexposure to the sun.


What You Can Do, What You Can Use - News from June 2007

Be Prepared - Early Hurricane Preparations Can Save Lives and Property

New tools to help "Good Samaritans" clean up mine waste, restore watersheds, improve fisheries

Buy Energy Star products - A Big Part of the Climate Change Solution

Calculate how individual energy use contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution


Upcoming Events and Opportunities for July 2007

>>Month-long events:
UV Safety Month
National Water Gardening Month


About This Newsletter

America is shifting to a "green culture" where all 300 million citizens are embracing the fact that environmental responsibility is everyone's responsibility. "Go Green!" is a monthly newsletter from the US EPA with information about activities and events that everyone can use to make a difference in their homes, communities, and offices.

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Go Green! Newsletter


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