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Steps to Starting a Program

Managing School IAQ

Envisioning Excellence: Lessons from Effective School Indoor Air Quality Programs.  Read about this exciting tool.

Congratulations on your commitment to making your school a healthier learning environment! The IAQ TfS Action Kit is designed to provide simple, easy-to-follow guidance for schools wishing to improve their indoor environments.

Many schools that are successfully implementing IAQ programs share common themes that have driven their program’s success:

  1. Organize: Bring together individuals with a commitment to ensuring good IAQ in the school district and with clear support from senior management
    1. Identify a responsible Party (IAQ Coordinator) to lead and track IAQ activities
    2. Form an IAQ team to assist the IAQ Coordinator
    3. Engage senior management on the importance of IAQ management
    4. Communicate with school officials, staff, and parents about how the program is organized
  2. Assess: Determine the scope and details of existing IAQ conditions and issues facing the school district
    1. Develop and maintain an IAQ profile for each building
    2. Review building-related documents (e.g. floor plans, IAQ complaints logs, work orders, etc.)
    3. Distribute IAQ checklists to school staff to gather information on conditions in every school area
    4. Conduct a walkthrough evaluation based on checklist findings
    5. Communicate with the school community about walkthrough findings and action steps
  3. Create a Plan: Develop strategic goals and objectives for your IAQ program and determine an approach to identify, resolve, and prevent future IAQ problems
    1. Develop an IAQ management plan that includes goals, objectives, and policies
    2. Develop prioritized lists of short and long-term actions to be taken to resolve or present IAQ problems
    3. Communicate goals, policies, actions, and timelines to the school community
    4. Update your plan on a regular basis to reflect new goals, objectives, and policies
  4. Take Action: Use the findings of your assessment and the strategies in your plan to resolve or prevent IAQ problems
    1. Involve all appropriate parties in taking action to improve IAQ (including IAQ team members, facility staff, teachers, administrators, etc.)
    2. Remedy problems identified through your assessment and according to priority order established in your plan
    3. Sustain your IAQ management program by developing policies and standard practices
  5. Evaluate: Track your IAQ programs’ progress and assess your results
    1. Assess your progress toward achieving your goals and objectives and improving student and staff health, productivity, and performance
    2. Track outcomes that may relate to IAQ improvements (e.g. decreased absenteeism, decreased number of asthma episodes, decreased IAQ complaints, etc.)

The IAQ TfS Action Kit contains helpful tips, strategies, and guidance to develop an IAQ management program that incorporates all of these key drivers of program success and suggestions for implementing the action steps described above.  Learn more about the IAQ TfS Action Kit and its components.

The resources offered here contain additional materials you may wish to use to develop, implement, and sustain your IAQ program.  Several award winning schools are featured in the Case Studies section highlighting steps these schools took to start their IAQ management programs.

Don’t forget, EPA has an awards program to recognize schools that are implementing strong IAQ management programs.  Learn more about the awards program levels and how to apply for an IAQ TfS award.

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