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Kremer selected as Fellow of the Weed Science Society of America

Bob Kremer was selected as a Fellow of the Weed Science Society of America in 2007. The honor is in recognition of significant meritorious contributions to the weed science discipline and to WSSA in the areas of research and educational achievements, development or improvement in weed science practices or programs, and service to WSSA and other professional societies. Only 0.3% of the WSSA membership may be elected as fellows in any one year. Achievements for which Bob was recognized in his selection as WSSA fellow included advancements in weed seed ecology and biology, integrated biological control of weeds, and impacts of transgenic crops on soil and rhizosphere biology. Service to weed science has included membership on several committees, symposium organizer, WSSA Abstracts Editor, and Associate Editor for Weed Science and Weed Technology.


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Last Modified: 05/28/2008
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