Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Site Logo
Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
Downloadable Software

Yield Editor Software

Yield map development is complicated by the myriad errors that exist in raw yield data. Researchers generally report that somewhere between 10% and 30% of their raw yield data observations contain significant errors, and should be removed. Yield Editor is a flexible tool designed to assist researchers, crop consultants and producers with identification, documentation and removal of these errors.

Yield Editor was developed as part of the CSWQRU's research effort in precision agriculture.  The project Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Site-Specific Soil and Crop Management includes current related research.

Management Zone Analyst Software

MZA is a software program designed to assist researchers, crop consultants, and producers with the process of sub-field management zone delineation for site-specific crop management. Prior to zone delineation, MZA calculates descriptive statistics for the variables used in the zone delineation process. The software uses unsupervised fuzzy classification to create potential management zones. To determine the appropriate number of management zones for a given field, two measures of cluster performance are calculated by MZA in the post-classification analysis.

MZA was developed as part of the CSWQRU's research effort in precision agriculture.  The project Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Site-Specific Soil and Crop Management includes current related research.

Publications in pdf format

Standard citation format list of all CSWQRU publications in reverse chronological order from 1956-present

Or browse only publications with full-text pdfs available:

1955 to present (all)


Last Modified: 08/18/2008