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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health



November Release

Section 0: Preface
0.1     Purpose of This Documentation
0.2     Release Schedule
0.3     Audience
0.4     How to Use This Documentation
0.5     What's New for This Version of the UMLS

Section 1: Introduction to the UMLS
1.1     Purpose of the UMLS
1.2     Conditions of Use of the UMLS
1.3     Brief Description of the UMLS Knowledge Sources and Associated Tools
1.4     Getting Started
1.5     Sources of Additional Information about the UMLS

Section 2: Metathesaurus
2.0     Introduction
2.1     Source Vocabularies
2.2     Concepts, Concept Names, and Their Identifiers
2.3     Relationships and Relationship Identifiers
2.4     Attributes and Attribute Identifiers
2.5     Data About the Metathesaurus
2.6     Concept Name Indexes
2.7     File Formats - Metathesaurus Rich Release Format (RRF) and Original Release Format (ORF)
2.8     Character Sets

Section 3: Semantic Network
3.0     Introduction
3.1     Overview
3.2     Semantic Network ASCII Relational Format
3.3     Semantic Network ASCII Unit Record Format
3.4     Hierarchies for Semantic Types and Relations in the Semantic Network

Section 4: SPECIALIST Lexicon and Lexical Tools

Section 5: Using the UMLS Knowledge Source Server (UMLSKS) via the Internet
5.0     Background
5.1     Downloading UMLS Knowledge Sources
5.2     System Architecture
5.3     Querying the UMLSKS
5.4     Gaining Access to the UMLSKS
5.5     UMLSKS Documentation

Section 6: MetamorphoSys - the UMLS Installation and Customization Program
6.0     Introduction
6.1     MetamorphoSys Requirements
6.2     Starting MetamorphoSys
6.3     Using MetamorphoSys
6.4     Select Default Subset
6.5     Option Tabs
6.6     File Menu
6.7     Edit Menu
6.8     Options (for Advanced Users)
6.9     Reset Menu
6.10    Done; Begin Subset
6.11    RRF Browser
6.12    MRCXT Builder
6.13    API Documentation
6.14    Getting Help
6.15    Acknowledgments

Section 7: UMLS DVD
7.0     Introduction
7.1     Hardware and Software Requirements
7.2     Installing from the DVD

Appendix A. License for Use of the UMLS Metathesaurus
A.1     Appendix to the License Agreement for Use of the UMLS Metathesaurus
A.2     SNOMED CT® Affiliate Licence Agreement

Appendix B. Metathesaurus Metadata
B.1     Columns and Data Elements
    B.1.1   Columns and Data Elements in Rich Release Format (RRF)
    B.1.2   Columns and Data Elements in Original Release Format (ORF)
B.2     Attribute Names
B.3     Abbreviations Used in Data Elements
B.4     Source Vocabularies
B.5     Source and Term Type Default Order of Precedence and Suppressibility
B.6     Release Metadata

Documentation Index

First published: 17 November 2008
Last updated: 20 November 2008
Date Archived: 03 April 2009
Metadata | Permanence level: Permanent: Stable Content
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