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Policies and Guidance

After a robust stakeholder involvement process, EPA published two draft Title VI guidance documents in the Federal Register on June 27, 2000 for public comment. The first document is the Draft Title VI Guidance for EPA Assistance Recipients Administering Environmental Permitting Programs ("Draft Recipient Guidance") (PDF) (53 pp, 668K,About PDF). The Draft Recipient Guidance was written at the request of the states and is intended to offer suggested to assist state and local recipients in developing approaches and activities to address potential Title VI concerns. During the comment period, OCR conducted seven public listening sessions throughout the U.S.

The second document is entitled the Draft Revised Guidance for Investigating Title VI Administrative Complaints Challenging Permits ("Draft Revised Investigation Guidance"). This guidance document describes a framework for OCR's processing of complaints that allege discrimination in the environmental permitting context. Public comments were also accepted for this document through August 28, 2000.

The issue of the applicability of Title VI to Federally-recognized tribes is currently under review at EPA. Executive Order 13084 (issued May 14, 1998) also directs agencies to consult with tribes prior to the development of policies that significantly or uniquely affect their communities. In 1999, EPA engaged in a consultation process with federally recognized tribes, which included a letter to Tribal Leaders requesting their views on Title VI implementation issues.

On August 11, 2000, President Clinton signed Executive Order 13166 (PDF) (3 pp, 248K,About PDF) entitled, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency." The Executive Order requires Federal agencies to examine the services they provide, identify any need for services to limited English proficient (LEP) persons, and develop and implement a plan to provide those services so that LEP persons can have meaningful access to them. The Executive Order also requires Federal agencies work to ensure that recipients of Federal financial assistance provide meaningful access to their LEP applicants and beneficiaries.

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