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Common Sense Initiative

The Common Sense Initiative represents a new approach for EPA in creating policies and environmental management solutions that relate to industry sectors. CSI examines the environmental requirements impacting six industries: Automobile Manufacturing, Iron and Steel, Metal Finishing, Computers and Electronics, Printing, and Petroleum Refining. For each industry, EPA convenes a team of stakeholders that look for opportunities to change complicated and inconsistent environmental policies into comprehensive sector environmental strategies for the future. The process is producing better, more applicable environmental protection strategies that are developed by those who have to live with them, avoiding costly and time consuming adversarial processes later.

For More Information...

The Common Sense Initiative Homepage

Phone: 202-260-7417

EPA Region 7 Information and Contacts

For more information on activities ongoing within EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska), contact:

Gary Bertram
Phone: 913-551-7533

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