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CDCynergy is a multimedia CD-ROM used for planning, managing, and evaluating public health communication programs. This innovative tool is used to guide and assist users in designing health communication interventions within a public health framework. Originally created for use within the CDC, the idea of an institution-wide planning model found its way outside of the agency. CDCynergy has been adapted for use by public health professionals on a national, state, and/or local level.

The planning model is designed to guide the user through systematically conceptualizing, planning, developing, testing, implementing, and evaluating health communication activities, while promoting accountability and the importance of evaluation.

More specifically, the user is presented with a step-by-step detailed tutorial, case examples, and a wealth of resources, in addition to a diverse media library and a cumulative evaluation plan. The program also provides the user with a link to a word processing template to aid in writing a detailed intervention campaign.

In addition to the Basic edition, CDCynergy has been tailored to several disciplines within public health. The Tailored Editions are based on the same tested planning model as CDCynergy Basic, and contain examples and resources targeted the specific audience in question.

CDCynergy is rapidly becoming the planning tool of choice among health communicators/educators at local, state, national and international levels.

The CDCynergy Process

CDCynergy does not assume that communication is the solution to a public health problem! Rather, it guides you through a process in which you:

To Order a Copy of CDCynergy Basic Edition

If you are interested in expert training in addition to a copy of the disk, the Society of Public Health Educators (SOPHE) distributes the disk as part of their training of the CDCynergy Basic Edition.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the disk only, please contact the Public Health Foundation.


Page last modified on June 27, 2006

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“Safer Healthier People”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
Public Inquiries: (404) 498-1515  •  (800) 232-4636