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Brownfields News and Events

Deborah Kennedy (left) and Susan Klein of the Region 7 Brownfields Team managing their conference booth  Phoenix Award for Region 7 went to Coralville, Iowa  Clock Tower

EPA Highlights Accomplishments in Region 7 States at Brownfields 2008 Conference

EPA Region 7 was well represented at the National Brownfields Conference in Detroit on May 5-7, 2008, with a number of EPA specialists and Regional Administrator John Askew attending. Accomplishments in the Region 7 states of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska were highlighted. Pictured in the left photo are Deborah Kennedy (left) and Susan Klein of the Region 7 Brownfields Team managing their conference booth. More about Brownfields 2008 ConferenceExit EPA

The Phoenix Award for Region 7 went to Coralville, Iowa, for its Iowa River Landing Redevelopment Project. The prestigious awards program honors individuals and groups working to transform blighted and contaminated areas into productive new uses. One community in each of the 10 EPA regions receives a Phoenix Award each year. The award is held in the center photo by Austin Trumbull (striped shirt), a Coralville eighth grader involved in the project's wetland mitigation and restoration. To the right of Austin is Coralville Mayor Jim Fausett pictured with other Coralville stakeholders and Askew (far left). A Runner-Up Award to the Phoenix Award Grand Prize also went to the Coralville project, held by Fausett in the photo. The Grand Prize went to EPA Region 5.

The cornerstone of the Iowa River Landing Redevelopment Project is the Coralville Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. The project has created 256 jobs and added $14.5 million to the local economy since the hotel opened in August 2006. Pictured in the right photo is the clock tower, which is the centerpiece of the project.

Since its inception in 1995, EPA’s Brownfields Program has grown into a proven, results-oriented program that has changed the way contaminated property is perceived, addressed, and managed. EPA's Brownfields Program is designed to empower states, communities, and other stakeholders in economic redevelopment to work together in a timely manner to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields.

The following links are provided for public access to Regional news & events, national Brownfields program announcements and press releases, and Region 7 Brownfields grantee announcements:

News and Events Regional Web site

Announcements, Press Releases and Speeches (National Brownfields Web site)

Region 7 Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup, and Revolving Loan Fund Pilots/Grantees

Success Stories - Highlights the accomplishments of EPA Brownfields grantees across the country (National Brownfields Web site).


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