The Facts About...Faith-Based Efforts
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The Challenge: To spread the message of No Child Left Behind to the vast network of parents and community members who are actively involved in faith-based and community activities.

The Solution: Rally the armies of compassion in our country to make sure that people of all faiths in every community will hear a new message of hope for educating every child in America.


No Child Left Behind recognizes the important role faith-based organizations and leaders play in America's communities.

  • A week after he was inaugurated, President Bush declared that the federal government would play a new role as a supporter, enabler, catalyst and collaborator with faith-based and community organizations because he recognized that these quiet heroes bring hope and opportunity to people's lives in ways that are beyond the federal government's ability.
  • Whether through tutoring, after-school programs, mentoring or parent training, faith-based and community organizations have worked for years to leave no child behind.
  • Often these groups are the only ones active in communities where the needs are the greatest. It's important that they are supported, not undermined or shut out, by Washington.

The new law gives communities and parents increased local control and more opportunities for faith-based and community organizations to aid in improving student academic achievement.

  • The President and the Secretary of Education recognize that it is only in partnership with these community leaders that we can truly ensure that no child is left behind.

President Bush is working with community leadership to spread the promise and message of reform.

  • Community leaders can help transform the culture of expectations in education by calling upon local officials to fully implement No Child Left Behind.
  • Community leaders can encourage their local officials to take advantage of all the opportunities the act offers.
  • Faith-based and community organizations can inform and educate parents about the new opportunities available for their children.

No Child Left Behind gives new freedom to faith-based organizations.

  • Faith-based and community organizations are eligible to apply for certain grants from the Department of Education and their local schools.
  • Faith-based and community organizations can provide supplemental educational services to children who attend schools in need of improvement. Faith-based and community organizations can also compete for funds to provide after-school and mentoring programs.

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Last Modified: 07/05/2005