Casein Protein Structures

Results from Molecular Modeling


The molecular modeled structures of as1-Casein variant B, as2-Casein variant A, b-Casein variant A, and k-casein variant B are provided in Brookhaven Protein Data Bank format (AS1_CN_B.pdb, as211EeminSSall.pdb, B_CN_A.pdb, and K_CN_B.pdb respectively) free of charge to any interested parties.

The modeled structures are those resulting from research at this laboratory which results were published in the following articles:

Note:  Click the desired structure to view the PDB file.  You can then use your browser to save the file.  If the file is saved as a text file, your PDB file viewer may be unable to open it.  We have found that saving as a web page file with htm or html extension gives a file that is readable for most viewers.

Alpha-S1-Casein variant B structure: Thomas F. Kumosinski, Eleanor M. Brown, and Harold M. Farrell, Jr., Predicted Energy-Minimized Alpha-S1-Casein Working Model in MOLECULAR MODELING: FROM VIRTUAL TOOLS TO REAL PROBLEMS, Thomas F. Kumosinski & Michael N. Liebman, Eds. ACS Symposium Series 576, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC 1994, pp 368-390.

Alpha-S2-Casein:  H.M. Farrell, Jr., E.L. Malin, E.M. Brown, and A. Mora-Gutierrez,  Review of the Chemistry of Alpha-S2-Casein and the Generation of a Homologous Molecular Model to Explain its Properties, J. Dairy Sci. 2009, 92:1338:1353.

Beta-Casein variant A structure: T. F. Kumosinski, E. M. Brown, and H. M. Farrell, Jr., Three-Dimensional Molecular Modeling of Bovine Caseins: An Energy-Minimized Beta-Casein Structure (1993) Journal of Dairy Science, 76:931-945.

Kappa-Casein variant B structure: T. F. Kumosinski, E. M. Brown, and H. M. Farrell, Jr., Three-Dimensionsl Molecular Modeling of Bovine Caseins: A Refined, Energy-Minimized Kappa-Casein Structure (1993) Journal of Dairy Science, 76:2507-2520.




Updated: May 06, 2009