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2007 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Data Files

The 2007 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Data Files are sets of six files (bundled into a compressed, self-extracting format for downloading) that collectively contain all the data that submitted on the TRI Reporting (Form R) or Certification Statement (Form A) by facilities. The data in these files have been extracted from the Envirofacts database system. The data contained in each of the files are tab delimited (a tab is placed between each data element). The files all have the *.txt extension, but can be opened with most spreadsheet programs or PC-based database applications. Documentation for TRI RY2007 State Data files (209 pp, 577KB, About PDF)

File Type Descriptions

Many of the descriptions refer to the TRI Form R and Certification Statement (Form A). These are the forms that facilities use to submit data to the TRI program. The document "Reporting Forms and Instructions for Reporting Year 2007" contains the actual forms and instructions for filling them out. The "Reporting Forms and Instructions" document can be found on the TRI Website, specifically on Reporting Materials and Guidance Web page. Complete lists of values for the data fields in the Data Files can be found in the Reporting Forms and Instructions document.

File Type 1: Facility, Chemical, Releases and Other Waste Management Summary Information
The file "Type 1" contains the bulk of the data that can be found on a Form R. It is the most used and requested file of the State Data Files. It contains information about Facilities, Chemicals, On-site Releases, POTW quantities, Off-site Transfer and Disposal quantities, On-site Energy Recovery Processes, On-site Recycling Processes and Source Reduction and Recycling Activities for all states in RY2007. Each record in this file represents data from a single chemical report (Form R or Form A Certification Statement) submitted by a facility. For example, this file will contain records for all chemicals that were reported to TRI from all facilities located in a specific reporting year.

File Type 2A: Detailed Source Reduction Activities and Methods
The file "Type 2A" contains 3 general data sections. First it contains almost all of the Facility Identification data that can be found in Part I of the Form R or the Form A Certification Statement for all states in RY2007. Second it contains the Chemical Identification data from Part II, section 1 of the Form R or Form A Certification Statement. Third, it contains all of the data from Part II, Section 8 of the Form R. This is the "Source Reduction and Recycling Activities" data. Mandated by section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (PPA), the "Source Reduction and Recycling Activities" section (Part II, Section 8) of the Form R provides information about source reduction activities and quantities of EPCRA 313 chemicals managed as waste. Section 8 data give an overall picture of On-site and Off-site releases and waste management (on- and off-site recycling, enery recovery, treatment and disposal or other releases) as well as source reduction.

File Type 2B: Detailed On-Site Waste Treatment Methods and Efficiency. File "Type 2B" primarily contains data from Part II, Section 7A of the Form R, "On-site Waste Treatment Methods and Efficiency" for all states in RY2007. In addition, this file contains most of the Facility identification information from Part I of the Form R (and Form A) and the Chemical Identification data from Part II, section 1.

File Type 3A: Details of Transfers Off-site. File "Type 3A" focuses on off-site transfers. Like the other state data files, it lists the basic Facility and Chemical Identification information from Part I and Part II, section 1 for all states in RY2007. It also lists each off-site location that a chemical has been transferred to, the quantity transfered, and the method of management at the off-site location (recycling, energy recovery, treatment or disposal/release.

File Type 3B: Details of Transfers to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). File "Type 3B" contains information about chemical transfers to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs). This file contains general facility and chemical identification data. In addition, it contains the total quantity of the chemical that was transferred to all POTWs. It also lists the names and locations of the first 2 POTWS that the facility sent the chemical to. The POTW data used for this file iarefrom section 6.1 of the Form R. In section 6.1, the facility is asked to provide the total amount of the chemical transferred to all POTWs and the names and locations of those POTWs. The Form R does not ask the facilities to provide the specific amounts of the chemical that were transferred to each POTW. So, if there is more than one POTW listed, there is no way to differentiate specifically how much of the chemical was transferred to each POTW site.

File Type 4: Details of Facility Information. File "Type 4" contains the basic facility identification information for all facilities that have ever reported to TRI. The file lists the last reporting year the Facility submitted active and valid data to the TRI program. Everything from Part I of the Form R or the Form A certification statement (except section 2) is listed in this file. The data in this file are a "reconciliation" of all the data the TRI program has collected from a facility over the course of its participation in the TRI program. Most facilities have sent in several chemical reports (Form Rs and As) each year, for a number of years When the data are collected at the TRI Data Processing Center, differences in facility identification information from form to form and year to year are identified, researched and reconciled. The result is a database of facility identification information that is consistent and up to date.

File Type 5: Additional Information on Source Reduction, Recycling and Pollution Control. File "Type 5" is new for reporting year 2007. It is a result of the Forms Modification Rule (39931 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 132, Tuesday, July 12, 2007). The file contains additional information that facilities elect to submit on their source reduction, recycling or pollution control activities for specific chemicals. The submission of this information is optional. Only facilities that submit information via electronic means (TRI-ME Web , TRI-ME desktop with CDX submission or diskette submission) can provide this information. The information is provided in a free form text field with a maximum of 4,000 characters. Facility and Chemical Identification information is also included in the file. Only chemicals submissions that have this additional information are included in the file.

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National Data Files

Reporting Year 2007

The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]

  • TRI data by year from RY1987 through RY2007 is also available in a single file download.
  • All files (past and present) contain data that has been submitted or revised by September2, 2008. Any revised, new or withdrawn data after September 2, 2008 are not included in the files below.
  • When unzipped, these compressed files will each contain 7 separate file types:
Reporting Year
Past National Data Files
Reporting Year
Past National Data Files
2006 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
2005 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
2004 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
2003 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
2002 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
2001 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
2000 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
1999 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
1998 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
1997 The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]
The National Data File Set [32.8 MB]

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2007 Federal Facility Data Files

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2007 State Data Files

Each individual state's data for RY2007 is presented in 6 files as described above (bundled into a compressed, self-extracting format for downloading). Simply click on the individual state in the map or the state name in the table listed below the map. Clicking on a state will provide you with the 6 file types detailed above, containing only the data for individual state.

Note: Dioxin and Dioxin-like compounds (N150) releases, transfers, and waste management are quantified in grams. All other chemicals are quantified in pounds.

United States Map


Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Washington, DC Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachussets Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
(Size: 690KB)
(Size: 76KB)
American Samoa
(Size: 35KB)
(Size: 341KB)
(Size: 505KB)
(Size: 1.6MB)
(Size: 273KB)
(Size: 411KB)
(Size: 132KB)
District of Columbia
(Size: 43KB)
(Size: 699KB)
(Size: 863KB)
(Size: 43KB)
(Size: 84KB)
(Size: 141KB)
(Size: 1.4MB)
(Size: 1.2MB)
(Size: 516KB)
(Size: 366KB)
(Size: 639KB)
(Size: 685KB)
(Size: 158KB)
(Size: 269KB)
(Size: 620KB)
(Size: 1.1MB)
(Size: 545KB)
(Size: 383KB)
(Size: 692KB)
(Size: 108KB)
(Size: 252KB)
(Size: 169KB)
New Hampshire
(Size: 172KB)
New Jersey
(Size: 681KB)
New Mexico
(Size: 133KB)
New York
(Size: 858KB)
North Carolina
(Size: 955KB)
North Dakota
(Size: 99KB)
Northern Marianas
(Size: 38KB)
(Size: 1.91MB)
(Size: 392KB)
(Size: 355KB)
(Size: 1.52MB)
Puerto Rico
(Size: 201KB)
Rhode Island
(Size: 163KB)
South Carolina
(Size: 694KB)
South Dakota
(Size: 124KB)
(Size: 777KB)
(Size: 2.38MB)
(Size: 273KB)
(Size: 78KB)
Virgin Islands
(Size: 49KB)
(Size: 599KB)
(Size: 430KB)
West Virginia
(Size: 308KB)
(Size: 98KB)
(Size: 99KB)

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