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Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace.  Photos representing the workforce - Digital Imagery© copyright 2001 PhotoDisc, Inc.

Drug-Free Work Week

Drug-Free Work Week

Dates for 2009 Observance
are October 19-25


Ideas for Associations and Unions

Associations or unions that conduct these or any other activities in recognition of Drug-Free Work Week, however small in scope, are encouraged to let us know. A listing of ideas will be developed for others to browse when planning for future Drug-Free Work Weeks. (Any references to people’s or associations’ names will be deleted.)

  • Feature Drug-Free Work Week in your magazine or newsletter – Drug-Free Work Week offers timely and fresh content for magazines or newsletters. Articles can inform members about the dates of Drug-Free Work Week and its purpose, as well as specific ideas for how members can implement relevant activities within their organization. For content ideas, see Drug-Free Work Week Ideas for Individual Employers and their Employees or simply use one of the Drug-Free Work Week “drop-in” articles below that can be quickly tailored by inserting your organization’s name where prompted.

    Article for association publications – short version
    Article for association publications – long version
    Articles for union publications – short version
    Article for union publications – long version
  • Post a Drug-Free Work Week Web link – A Drug-Free Work Week link on your Home page informs members and other visitors about information of interest to them while also helping to keep your Web site dynamic and up to date. To create a link, use the Drug-Free Work Week logo (2009 version coming soon!) or a simple text headline and link it to an article on your  Web site or directly to the Working Partners Web site’s list of Drug-Free Work Week Ideas for Individual Employers and their Employees.

  • Include a print ad/Public Service Announcement (PSA) about Drug-Free Work Week in your printed publication – Camera-ready Drug-Free Work Week print ads/PSAs are available for use in printed publications such as member magazines or newsletters. Print ads/PSA's for Drug-Free Work Week 2009 coming soon!
  • Send a “President’s Message” about Drug-Free Work WeekAssociation or union leaders can take advantage of Drug-Free Work Week to send a special e-mail to members encouraging them to participate and providing information about how they can do so. Alternatively (or in addition), Drug-Free Work Week could be incorporated into speeches or the President’s column in your organization's monthly publication. For content ideas, see the Drug-Free Work Week talking points.
  • Hold a drug-free workplace “brown-bag lunch,” webcast or teleconference – For local organizations, such as chambers of commerce, Drug-Free Work Week presents an opportune time to sponsor a brown-bag lunch or other informal seminar on the topic of workplace alcohol and drug abuse prevention. For national organizations, webcasts or teleconferences may be more appropriate. Sources for speakers for such events include various national and state substance abuse prevention organizations and community anti-drug coalitions.
  • Develop a dedicated Drug-Free Workplace Web page – Drug-Free Work Week is a great time to unveil a special Drug-Free Workplace Web page for members listing tools and resources to help them understand related issues and implement steps to prevent alcohol and drug abuse in their workplaces. For ideas on what to include on such a page, visit the Working Partners Web site.
  • Distribute drug-free workplace posters – In today’s world of electronic communication, sending something useful and tangible to members can make an impact and reinforce the value of association membership. Associations can use the occasion of Drug-Free Work Week to send their members a drug-free workplace poster to hang in employee break areas or other locations that employees frequent to promote a positive message about the importance of being drug-free to their safety and that of their coworkers. Likewise, unions can send posters to their locals.

As employers themselves, associations and unions are also encouraged to recognize Drug-Free Work Week among their staff. For ideas on how to do so, see Drug-Free Work Week Ideas for Individual Employers and their Employees.



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