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Data Validation & Laboratory Quality Assurance

In all hazardous site investigations, it is essential to know the quality of the data used for decision-making purposes. The process of generating data of known quality begins in the planning stages when data quality objectives (DQOs) are established; continues during sample collection activities and laboratory analysis; is re-evaluated when validating the analytical data; and is finalized as part of the data quality assessment process.

Validation of data requires that appropriate quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures be followed, and that adequate documentation be included for all data generated both in the laboratory and in the field. Professionals trained in data validation procedures review this information, "flag" data with qualifiers when QA/QC criteria are not met, and prepare the data validation report. The documents presented are used to evaluate the quality of laboratory-generated analytical data.

Evaluation of Laboratory Data Quality

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Draft Region 9 Superfund Data Evaluation/Validation Guidance (PDF) (13 pp, 69K) QC review criteria for laboratory analytical data.

Superfund CLP, National Functional Guidelines for Data Review
These documents are designed to offer guidance on low concentration organic and inorganic analytical data evaluation and review. Although intended for review of analytical data generated through the CLP, this guidance may be applicable to data generated through other laboratory programs as well.

Laboratory Documentation Required for Data Validation (PDF) (26 pp, 73K)
An updated draft which outlines the laboratory data requirements necessary for Data Validation of non-Contract Laboratory Deliverable products.

Best Practices for the Detection and Deterrence of Laboratory Fraud (PDF) (48 pp, 187K)
This document was produced by the California Military Environmental Coordination Committee in association with Chemical Data Quality/Cost Reduction Process Action Team to detect fraudulent laboratory practices.

Laboratory Quality Assurance

National Laboratory Accreditation Program A voluntary association of State and Federal agencies to establish and promote mutually acceptable performance standards for the operation of environmental laboratories.

California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program ELAP provides evaluation and accreditation of environmental testing laboratories to ensure the quality of analytical data used for State of California regulatory purposes. Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories (PDF) (164 pp, 1 M) Guidance on laboratory quality control for drinking water and wastewater analytical methods.

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