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Altitude of the base of the surficial aquifer system in eastern Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie counties, Florida, 1980, WRIR 99-4214
Abstract: The boundary in the surficial aquifer system between freshwater and saltwater is not sharp; it is a transition zone that is controlled, in part, by the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer. For the purposes of this report, this transition zone will be called the saltwater interface. Chloride concentrations greater than 100 mg/L (milligrams per liter) were considered to be evidence of saltwater mixing with freshwater in the surficial aquifer system and indicate the presence of the saltwater interface. The saltwater interface can have chloride concentrations ranging from 100 to 19,000 mg/L (average chloride concentration of seawater; Hem, 1992). The approximate location of the farthest inland extent of the saltwater interface was defined through the evaluation of chloride and geophysical data. Seaward of the saltwater interface line the influence of saltwater intrusion exists above the base of the surficial aquifer system. Landward of the line, oceanic saltwater was not detected. Contour lines depicting the altitude of the base of the surficial aquifer system (Miller, 1980; Miller, 1987; Shine and others, 1989) were drawn. The intersection of the saltwater interface line and the contour lines indicates the depth of the saltwater interface at its greatest inland extent (the equivalent of the saltwater front or toe) at the base of the surficial aquifer system; an exception to this occurs when pumping induces lateral migration above the base of the surficial aquifer system.

Hem, J.D., 1992, Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristics of natural water, 3rd ed.: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2254, 264 p.

Miller, W.L., 1980, Geological aspect of the surficial aquifer in the Upper East Coast Planning Area, southeast Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Open-File Report 80-586, 2 sheets. ---1987, Lithology and base of the surficial aquifer system, Palm Beach County: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 86-4067, sheet 1.

Shine, M.J., Padgett, D.G., and Barfknecht, W.M., 1989, Ground water resources assessment of eastern Palm Beach County, Florida: South Florida Water Management District Technical Publications 89-4, 372 p.
Metadata: ch1999cont_arc
Shapefile: ch1999cont_arc [ZIP 32 KB]
Online Report: WRIR 99-4214
Browse Graphic: Altitude of the base of the surficial aquifer system in eastern Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie counties, Florida, 1980, WRIR 99-4214