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EPA Provides $300,000 for Hybrid Yard Tractors


(1:56 min)

Regional Administrator Wayne Nastri:
It really is a pleasure for us to be here, and we at EPA are certainly proud to be part of such an innovative and important project for both Southern California and potentially port communities across the nation. One of the most important priorities that we have is cleaning up the air we breathe, and we couldn't do that without the partnerships that we have with many of you here today. Please join me in welcoming our Deputy Administrator, Marcus Peacock.

Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock:
[Thank you very much, Wayne.] Over a hundred years ago the ports of Southern California provided a gateway for thousands of people who were looking for a solution to their respiratory problems. Today the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles are poised to deliver real improvements in air quality for millions of Californians. These aren't elusive miracle cures, but reductions in pollutants that will literally help people breathe better. Now to help deliver those improvements I'm pleased to announce a $300K grant to the Port of Long Beach to implement innovative hybrid technology in the yard hostler cargo handling equipment.

Press release

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