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Nonpoint Source Pollution

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Photo of: Water flows through arid desert near Phoenix, AZ
Water flows through arid desert near Phoenix, AZ.
Photo credit: McCabe, NRCS, 1984


The Arizona Nonpoint Source Program is administered by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). ADEQ gathers information, monitors water quality trends, and focuses on runoff from land use activities that impact surface and groundwater within the state. The ADEQ Nonpoint Source staff works with local stakeholder groups and land management agencies to develop implementation plans to reduce sediment and nutrient loads from nonpoint sources and help impaired waters attain water quality standards.

The Arizona Nonpoint Source Management Plan integrates the state's Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act programs with voluntary incentives. To implement the plan, ADEQ uses a combination of tools, such as surface and ground water monitoring, watershed inventories, watershed characterizations, total maximum daily load (TMDL) studies, TMDL implementation plans, watershed-based plans, and water quality improvement projects, to protect the state's water resources from nonpoint source pollution. With improved coordination, collaboration, and combined agency and local stakeholders efforts working to implement measures outlined in the plan, nonpoint source pollution can be better managed and controlled at both statewide and community levels.

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