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User's Guide


This guidance sets forth a recommended, but not mandatory, approach based upon currently available information with respect to risk assessment for response actions at CERCLA sites. This document does not establish binding rules. Alternative approaches for risk assessment may be found to be more appropriate at specific sites (e.g., where site circumstances do not match the underlying assumptions, conditions and models of the guidance). The decision whether to use an alternative approach and a description of any such approach should be documented for such sites. Accordingly, when comments are received at individual CERCLA sites questioning the use of the approaches recommended in this guidance, the comments should be considered and an explanation provided for the selected approach.

It should also be noted that the screening levels (SLs) in these tables are based upon human health risk and do not address potential ecological risk. Some sites in sensitive ecological settings may also need to be evaluated for potential ecological risk. EPA's guidance "Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Process for Designing and Conducting Ecological Risk Assessment" http://www.epa.gov/oswer/riskassessment/ecorisk/ecorisk.htm contains an eight step process for using benchmarks for ecological effects in the remedy selection process.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this website is to provide default screening tables and a calculator to assist Remedial Project Managers (RPMs), On Scene Coordinators (OSC’s), risk assessors and others involved in decision-making concerning CERCLA hazardous waste sites and to determine whether levels of contamination found at the site may warrant further investigation or site cleanup, or whether no further investigation or action may be required.

Users within and outside the CERCLA program should use the tables or calculator results at their own discretion and they should take care to understand the assumptions incorporated in these results and to apply the SLs appropriately.

The SLs presented in the Generic Tables are chemical-specific concentrations for individual contaminants in air, drinking water and soil that may warrant further investigation or site cleanup. The SLs generated from the calculator may be site-specifc concentrations for individual chemicals in soil, air, water and fish. It should be emphasized that SLs are not cleanup standards. SLs should not be used as cleanup levels for a CERCLA site until the other remedy selections identified in the relevant portions of the National Contingency Plan (NCP), 40 CFR Part 300, have been evaluated and considered. PRGs is a term used to describe a project team's early and evolving identification of possible remedial goals. PRGs may be initially identified early in the Remedial Investigation/ Feasibility Study (RI/FS) process (e.g., at RI scoping) to select appropriate detection limits for RI sampling. Typically, it is necessary for PRGs to be more generic early in the process and to become more refined and site-specific as data collection and assessment progress. The SLs identified on this website are likely to serve as PRGs early in the process--e.g., at RI scoping and at screening of chemicals of potential concern (COPCs) for the baseline risk assessment. However, once the baseline risk assessment has been performed, PRGs can be derived from the calculator using site-specific risks, and the SLs in the Generic Tables are less likely to apply. PRGs developed in the FS will usually be based on site-specific risks and Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) and not on generic SLs.

2. Understanding the Screening Tables

2.1 General Considerations

Risk-based SLs are derived from equations combining exposure assumptions with chemical-specific toxicity values.

2.2 Exposure Assumptions

Generic SLs are based on default exposure parameters and factors that represent Reasonable Maximum Exposure (RME) conditions for long-term/chronic exposures and are based on the methods outlined in EPA’s Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Part B Manual (1991) (PDF) (xx pp, xxk) and Soil Screening Guidance documents (1996 (PDF) (49 pp, 446k) and 2002 (PDF) (187 pp, 2.17MB) ).

Site-specific information may warrant modifying the default parameters in the equations and calculating site-specific SLs, which may differ from the values in these tables. In completing such calculations, the user should answer some fundamental questions about the site. For example, information is needed on the contaminants detected at the site, the land use, impacted media and the likely pathways for human exposure.

Whether these generic SLs or site-specific screening levels are used, it is important to clearly demonstrate the equations and exposure parameters used in deriving SLs at a site. A discussion of the assumptions used in the SL calculations should be included in the documentation for a CERCLA site.

2.3 Toxicity Values

In 2003, EPA’s Superfund program revised its hierarchy of human health toxicity values, providing three tiers of toxicity values (http://www.epa.gov/oswer/riskassessment/pdf/hhmemo.pdf). Three tier 3 sources were identified in that guidance, but it was acknowledged that additional tier 3 sources may exist. The 2003 guidance did not attempt to rank or put the identified tier 3 sources into a hierarchy of their own. However, when developing the screening tables and calculator presented on this website, EPA needed to establish a hierarchy among the tier 3 sources. The toxicity values used as “defaults” in these tables and calculator are consistent with the 2003 guidance. Toxicity values from the following sources in the order in which they are presented below are used as the defaults in these tables and calculator.

  1. EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)

  2. The Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTVs) derived by EPA’s Superfund Health Risk Technical Support Center (STSC) for the EPA Superfund program. (Note that the PPRTV website is not open to users outside of EPA, but assessments can be obtained for use on Superfund sites by contacting Dave Crawford at Crawford.Dave@epa.gov).

  3. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDRClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer) minimal risk levels (MRLsClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer)

  4. The California Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s toxicity values

  5. The EPA Superfund program’s Health Effects Assessment Summar

  6. y. (Note that the HEAST website of toxicity values for chemical contaminants is not open to users outside of EPA, but values can be obtained for use on Superfund sites by contacting Dave Crawford at Crawford.Dave@epa.gov).

Users of these screening tables and calculator wishing to consider using other toxicity values, including toxicity values from additional sources, may find the discussions and seven preferences on selecting toxicity values in the attached Environmental Council of States paper useful for this purpose (ECOS website, ECOS paper).

When using toxicity values, users are encouraged to carefully review the basis for the value and to document the basis of toxicity values used on a CERCLA site.

2.3.1 Reference Doses

The current, or recently completed, EPA toxicity assessments used in these screening tables (IRIS and PPRTVs) define a reference dose, or RfD, as an estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily oral exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime. It can be derived from a NOAEL, LOAEL, or benchmark dose, or using categorical regression, with uncertainty factors generally applied to reflect limitations of the data used. RfDs are generally the toxicity value used most often in evaluating noncancer health effects at Superfund sites. Various types of RfDs are available depending on the critical effect (developmental or other) and the length of exposure being evaluated (chronic or subchronic). Some of the SLs in these tables also use Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) chronic oral minimal risk levels (MRLs) as an oral chronic RfD. The HEAST RfDs used in these SLs were based upon then current EPA toxicity methodologies, but did not use the more recent benchmark dose or categorical regression methodologies. Chronic oral reference doses and ATSDR chronic oral MRLs are expressed in units of (mg/kg-day).

Chronic oral RfDs are specifically developed to be protective for long-term exposure to a compound. As a guideline for Superfund program risk assessments, chronic oral RfDs generally should be used to evaluate the potential noncarcinogenic effects associated with exposure periods greater than 7 years (approximately 10 percent of a human lifetime). However, this is not a bright line. Note, that ATSDR defines chronic exposure as greater than 1 year for use of their values.

2.3.2 Reference Concentrations

The current, or recently completed, EPA toxicity assessments used in these screening tables (IRIS and PPRTV assessments) define a reference concentration (RfC) as an estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a continuous inhalation exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime. It can be derived from a NOAEL, LOAEL, or benchmark concentration, or using categorical regression with uncertainty factors generally applied to reflect limitations of the data used. Various types of RfCs are available depending on the critical effect (developmental or other) and the length of exposure being evaluated (chronic or subchronic). These screening tables also use ATSDR chronic inhalation MRLs as a chronic RfC, intermediate inhalation MRLs as a subchronic RfC and California Environmental Protection Agency (chronic) Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) as chronic RfCs. These screening tables may also use some RfCs from EPA’s HEAST tables.

The chronic inhalation reference concentration is generally used for continuous or near continuous inhalation exposures that occur for 7 years or more. However, this is not a bright line, and ATSDR chronic MRLs are based on exposures longer than 1 year. EPA chronic inhalation reference concentrations are expressed in units of (mg/m3). Cal EPA RELs are presented in µg/m3 and have been converted to mg/m3 for use in these screening tables. Some ATSDR inhalation MRLs are derived in parts per million (ppm) and some in mg/m3. For use in this table all were converted into mg/m3.

2.3.3 Slope Factors

A slope factor and the accompanying weight-of-evidence determination are the toxicity data most commonly used to evaluate potential human carcinogenic risks. Generally, the slope factor is a plausible upper-bound estimate of the probability of a response per unit intake of a chemical over a lifetime. The slope factor is used in risk assessments to estimate an upper-bound lifetime probability of an individual developing cancer as a result of exposure to a particular level of a potential carcinogen. Slope factors should always be accompanied by the weight-of-evidence classification to indicate the strength of the evidence that the agent is a human carcinogen.

Oral slope factors are toxicity values for evaluating the probability of an individual developing cancer from oral exposure to contaminant levels over a lifetime. Oral slope factors are expressed in units of (mg/kg-day)-1. When available, oral slope factors from EPA’s IRIS or PPRTV assessments are used. The ATSDR does not derive cancer toxicity values (e.g. slope factors or inhalation unit risks). Some oral slope factors used in these screening tables were derived by the California Environmental Protection Agency, whose methodologies are quite similar to those used by EPA’s IRIS and PPRTV assessments. When oral slope factors are not available in IRIS, PPRTV or Cal EPA assessments, values from HEAST are used.

2.3.4 Inhalation Unit Risk

The IUR is defined as the upper-bound excess lifetime cancer risk estimated to result from continuous exposure to an agent at a concentration of 1 µg/m3 in air. Inhalation unit risk toxicity values are expressed in units of (µg/m3)-1.

When available, inhalation unit risk values from EPA’s IRIS or PPRTV assessments are used. The ATSDR does not derive cancer toxicity values (e.g. slope factors or inhalation unit risks). Some inhalation unit risk values used in these screening tables were derived by the California Environmental Protection Agency, whose methodologies are quite similar to those used by EPA’s IRIS and PPRTV assessments. When inhalation unit risk values are not available in IRIS, PPRTV or Cal EPA assessments, values from HEAST are used.

2.3.5 Toxicity Equivalence Factors

Some chemicals are members of the same family and exhibit similar toxicological properties; however, they differ in the degree of toxicity. Therefore, a toxicity equivalence factor (TEF) must first be applied to adjust the measured concentrations to a toxicity equivalent concentration.

The following table contains the various dioxin-like toxicity equivalency factors for Dioxins, Furans and PCBs (Van den Berg et al. (2006) (PDF) (19 pp, 289k), which are the World Health Organization 2005 values.

Dioxin Toxicity Equivalence Factors

Dioxins and Furans


Chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins

Chlorinated dibenzofurans
  IUPAC No. Structure  
Non-ortho 77 3,3',4,4'-TetraCB 0.0001
81 3,4,4',5-TetraCB 0.0003
126 3,3',4,4',5-PeCB 0.1
169 3,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 0.03
Mono-ortho 105 2,3,3',4,4'-PeCB 0.00003
114 2,3,4,4',5-PeCB 0.00003
118 2,3',4,4',5-PeCB 0.00003
123 2',3,4,4',5-PeCB 0.00003
156 2,3,3',4,4',5-HxCB 0.00003
157 2,3,3',4,4',5'-HxCB 0.00003
167 2,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 0.00003
189 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-HpCB 0.00003
Di-ortho* 170 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-HpCB 0.0001
180 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-HpCB 0.00001

* Di-ortho values come from Ahlborg, U.G., et al. (1994), which are the WHO 1994 values from Toxic equivalency factors for dioxin-like PCBs: Report on WHO-ECEH and IPCS consultation, December 1993 Chemosphere, Volume 28, Issue 6, March 1994, Pages 1049-1067.

Carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Provisional Guidance for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (EPA/600/R-93/089, July 1993), recommends that a toxicity equivalency factor (TEF) be used to convert concentrations of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (cPAHs) to an equivalent concentration of benzo(a)pyrene when assessing the risks posed by these substances. These TEFs are based on the potency of each compound relative to that of benzo(a)pyrene. For the toxicity value database, these TEFs have been applied to the toxicity values. Although this is not in complete agreement with the direction in the aforementioned documents, this approach was used so that toxicity values could be generated for each cPAH. Additionally, it should be noted that computationally it makes little difference whether the TEFs are applied to the concentrations of cPAHs found in environmental samples or to the toxicity values as long as the TEFs are not applied to both. However, if the adjusted toxicity values are used, the user will need to sum the risks from all cPAHs as part of the risk assessment to derive a total risk from all cPAHs. A total risk from all cPAHs is what is derived when the TEFs are applied to the environmental concentrations of cPAHs and not to the toxicity values.

The following table presents the TEFs for cPAHs recommended in Provisional Guidance for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

Toxicity Equivalency Factors for Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Compound TEF
Benzo(a)pyrene 1.0
Benz(a)anthracene 0.1
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.1
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.01
Chrysene 0.001
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1.0
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 0.1

2.4 Chemical-specific Parameters

Several chemical specific parameters are needed for development of the SLs. Different hierarchies are used for organic and inorganic compounds.

2.4.1 Organic Compounds

  1. Values were taken from http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/exposure/pubs/episuite.htm. These programs estimate various chemical-specific properties. The calculations for these SL tables use the experimental values for a property over the estimated values.

  2. EPA Soil Screening Level (SSL) Exhibit C-1.

  3. WATER8, which has been replaced with WATER9.

  4. Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC). 2005. CHEMFATEClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer Database. SRC. Syracuse, NY. Accessed July 2005.

  5. Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC). 2005. PHYSPROPClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer Database. SRC. Syracuse, NY. Accessed July 2005.

2.4.2 Inorganic Compounds

For unitless Henry's Law (ammonia, chlorine, cyanogen, cyanogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide only):

  1. Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC). 2005. PHYSPROP Database. SRC. Syracuse, NY.
    (http://www.syrres.com/esc/physdemo.htmClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer).

  2. Yaws' Handbook of Thermodynamic and Physical Properties of Chemical Compounds. Knovel, 2003.
    (http://www.knovel.comClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer).

For Kd (soil-water partition coefficient):

  1. EPA Soil Screening Level (SSL) Table C.4 (http://www.epa.gov/superfund/health/conmedia/soil/index.htm).

  2. Baes, C.F. 1984. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A Review and Analysis of Parameters for Assessing Transport of Environmentally Released Radionuclides through Agriculture. http://homer.ornl.gov/baes/documents/ornl5786.htmlClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer. Values are also found in Superfund Chemical Data Matrix (SCDM)

For molecular weights:

  1. EPI (http://www.epa.gov/oppt/exposure/pubs/episuite.htm)

  2. Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC). 2005. PHYSPROP Database. SRC. Syracuse, NY.
    ( http://www.syrres.com/esc/physdemo.htmClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer).

For Vapor Pressure:

  1. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG), NIOSH Publication No. 97-140, February 2004.

  2. 2) Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC). 2005. CHEMFATE Database. SRC. Syracuse, NY.
    ( http://www.syrres.com/esc/chemfate.htmClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer).

  3. Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC). 2005. PHYSPROP Database. SRC. Syracuse, NY.
    ( http://www.syrres.com/esc/physdemo.htmClick here to read the "Exit EPA Website" Disclaimer).

For diffusivity in air and water, if desired at all, for the gasses and mercuric compounds:

  1. WATER 9, (EPA 2001). See section 4.9.2.

3. Using the SL Tables

The "Generic Tables" page provides generic concentrations in the absence of site-specific exposure assessments. These concentrations can be used for:

Generic SLs are provided for multiple exposure pathways and for chemicals with both carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic effects. A Summary Table is provided that contains SLs corresponding to either a 10-6 risk level for carcinogens or a Hazard Quotient (HQ) of 1 for non-carcinogens. The summary table identifies whether the SL is based on cancer or noncancer effects by including a "c" or "n" after the SL. The Supporting Tables provide SLs corresponding to a 10-6 risk level for carcinogens and an HQ of 1 for noncarcinogens. Site specific SLs corresponding to an HQ of less than 1 may be appropriate for those sites where multiple chemicals are present that have RfDs or RfCs based on the same toxic endpoint. Site specific SLs based upon a cancer risk greater than 10-6 can be calculated and may be appropriate based upon site specific considerations. However, caution is recommended to ensure that cumulative cancer risk for all actual and potential carcinogenic contaminants found at the site does not have a residual (after site cleanup, or when it has been determined that no site cleanup is required) cancer risk exceeding 10-4. Also, changing the target risk or HI may change the balance between the cancer and noncancer endpoints. At some concentrations, the cancer-risk concerns predominate; at other concentrations, noncancer-HI concerns predominate. The user must take care to consider both when adjusting target risks and hazards.

Tables are provided in either MS Excel or in PDF format. The following lists the tables provided and a description of what is contained in each:

3.1 Developing a Conceptual Site Model

When using generic SLs at a site, the exposure pathways of concern and site conditions should match those used in developing the SLs presented here. (Note, however, that future uses may not match current uses. Future uses are potential site uses that may occur in the future. At Superfund sites, future uses should be considered as well as current uses. RAGS Part A, Chapter 6, provides guidance on selecting future-use receptors.) Thus, it is necessary to develop a conceptual site model (CSM) to identify likely contaminant source areas, exposure pathways, and potential receptors. This information can be used to determine the applicability of SLs at the site and the need for additional information. The final CSM diagram represents linkages among contaminant sources, release mechanisms, exposure pathways, and routes and receptors based on historical information. It summarizes the understanding of the contamination problem. A separate CSM for ecological receptors can be useful. Part 2 and Attachment A of the Soil Screening Guidance for Superfund: Users Guide (EPA 1996) contains the steps for developing a CSM.

As a final check, the CSM should address the following questions:

The SLs and later PRGs may need to be adjusted to reflect the answers to these questions.

Below is a potential CSM of the quantified pathways addressed in the SL Tables.

3.2 Background

EPA may be concerned with two types of background at sites: naturally occurring and anthropogenic. Natural background is usually limited to metals whereas anthropogenic (i.e. human-made) “background” includes both organic and inorganic contaminants.

Please note that the SL tables, which are purely risk-based, may yield SLs lower than naturally occurring background concentrations of some chemicals in some areas. However, background considerations may be incorporated into the assessment and investigation of sites, as acknowledged in existing EPA guidance. Background levels should be addressed as they are for other contaminants at CERCLA sites. For further information see EPA's guidance Role of Background in the CERCLA Cleanup Program (PDF) (13 pp, 147K, About PDF), April 2002, (OSWER 9285.6-07P) and Guidance for Comparing Background and Chemical Concentration in Soil for CERCLA Sites (PDF) (89 pp, 126MB, About PDF), September 2002, (OSWER 9285.7-41).

Generally EPA does not clean up below natural background. In some cases, the predictive risk-based models generate SL concentrations that lie within or even below typical background concentrations for the same element or compound. Arsenic, aluminum, iron and manganese are common elements in soils that have background levels that may exceed risk-based SLs. This does not mean that these metals cannot be site-related, or that these metals should automatically be attributed to background. Attribution of chemicals to background is a site-specific decision; consult your regional risk assessor.

Where anthropogenic “background” levels exceed SLs and EPA has determined that a response action is necessary and feasible, EPA's goal will be to develop a comprehensive response to the widespread contamination. This will often require coordination with different authorities that have jurisdiction over the sources of contamination in the area.

3.3 Potential Problems

As with any risk based screening table or tool, the potential exists for misapplication. In most cases, this results from not understanding the intended use of the SLs or PRGs. In order to prevent misuse of the SLs, the following should be avoided:

4. Technical Support Documentation

The SLs consider human exposure to individual contaminants in air, drinking water and soil. The equations and technical discussion are aimed at developing risk-based SLs or PRGs. The following text presents the land use equations and their exposure routes. Table 1 presents the definitions of the variables and their default values. Any alternative values or assumptions used in developing SLs on a site should be presented with supporting rationale in the decision document on CERCLA sites.

4.1 Residential Soil

4.1.1 Noncancer

The residential soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.1.1 Carcinogenic

The residential soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.2.3 Mutagenic

The residential soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.1.3 Vinyl Chloride - Carcinogenic

The residential soil land use equations, presented here, contain the following exposure routes:

A number of studies have shown that inadvertent ingestion of soil is common among children 6 years old and younger (Calabrese et al. 1989, Davis et al. 1990, Van Wijnen et al. 1990). Therefore, the dose method uses an age-adjusted soil ingestion factor that takes into account the difference in daily soil ingestion rates, body weights, and exposure duration for children from 1 to 6 years old and others from 7 to 30 years old. The equation is presented below. This health-protective approach is chosen to take into account the higher daily rates of soil ingestion in children as well as the longer duration of exposure that is anticipated for a long-term resident. For more on this method, see RAGS Part B.

4.2 Composite Worker Soil

This landuse is for developing default screening levels.

4.2.1 Noncancer

The composite worker soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.2.2 Carcinogenic

The composite worker soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.3 Indoor Worker Soil

The indoor worker soil land use is not provided in the Generic Tables but SLs can be created by using the Calculator to modify the exposure parameters for the composite worker to match the equations that follow.

4.3.1 Noncancer

The indoor worker soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.3.2 Carcinogenic

The indoor worker soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.4 Outdoor Worker Soil

The outdoor worker soil land use is not provided in the Generic Tables but SLs can be created by using the Calculator to modify the exposure parameters for the composite worker to match the equations that follow.

4.4.1 Noncancer

The outdoor worker soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.4.2 Carcinogenic

The outdoor worker soil land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.5 Tapwater

The Tapwater calculations do not include the dermal exposure route. It was determined that too many analytes were outside of the EPA Superfund Dermal Risk Assessment Guidance (RAGS Part E)'s Effective Predictive Domain (EPD) to include a dermal permeability constant (Kp). Some of these were significant analytes, such as persistent chlorinated organics, including PCBs. Kp can be determined from the molecular weight and the logKow for organic compounds. Compounds with very high log Kows are outside of the EPD. Section 3.1.2 of RAGS Part E provides more detail.

4.5.1 Noncarcinogenic

The tapwater land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.5.2 Carcinogenic

The tapwater land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.5.3 Mutagenic

The tapwater land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.5.4 Vinyl Chloride - Carcinogenic

The tapwater land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.6 Resident Ambient Air

4.6.1 Noncarcinogenic

The Ambient air land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.6.2 Carcinogenic

The Ambient air land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.6.3 Vinyl Chloride - Carcinogenic

The Ambient air land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.6.4 Mutagenic

The Ambient air land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.7 Worker Ambient Air

4.7.1 Noncarcinogenic

The Ambient air land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.7.2 Carcinogenic

The Ambient air land use equation, presented here, contains the following exposure routes:

4.8 Ingestion of Fish

The ingestion of fish exposure route is not provided in the Generic Tables but SLs can be created by using the Calculator and the equations that follow:

4.8.1 Noncarcinogenic

The ingestion of fish equation, presented here, contains the following exposure route:

4.8.2 Carcinogenic

The ingestion of fish equation, presented here, contains the following exposure route:

Note: the consumption rate for fish is not age adjusted for this land use. Also the SL calculated for fish is not for soil, like for the agricultural land uses, but is for fish tissue.

4.9 Soil to Groundwater

These equations are used to calculate screening levels in soil (SSLs) that are protective of groundwater. SSLs are either back-calculated from protective risk-based ground water concentrations or based on MCLs. The SSLs were designed for use during the early stages of a site evaluation when information about subsurface conditions may be limited. Because of this constraint, the equations used are based on conservative, simplifying assumptions about the release and transport of contaminants in the subsurface. Migration of contaminants from soil to groundwater can be envisioned as a two-stage process: (1) release of contaminant in soil leachate and (2) transport of the contaminant through the underlying soil and aquifer to a receptor well. The SSL methodology considers both of these fate and transport mechanisms.

SSLs are provided for metals in the Generic Tables based on Kds from the Soil Screening Guidance Exhibit C-4 . According to Appendix C,

"Exhibit C-4 provides pH-specific soil-water partition coefficients (Kd) for metals. Site-specific soil pH measurements can be used to select appropriate Kd values for these metals. Where site-specific soil pH values are not available, values corresponding to a pH of 6.8 should be used."

Because Kds vary greatly by soil type, it is highly recommended that site-specific Kds be determined and used to develop SSLs.

The more protective of the carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic SLs is selected to calculate the SSL.

4.9.1 Noncarcinogenic Tapwater Equations for SSLs

The tapwater equations, presented in Section 4.4.1, are used to calculate the noncarcinogenic SSLs for volatiles and nonvolatiles. If the contaminant is a volatile, both ingestion and inhalation exposure routes are considered. If the contaminant is not a volatile, only ingestion is considered.

4.9.2 Carcinogenic Tapwater Equations for SSLs

The tapwater equations, presented in Section 4.4.2, are used to calculate the carcinogenic SSLs for volatiles and nonvolatiles. Sections 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 present the mutagenic and vinyl chloride equations, respectively. If the contaminant is a volatile, both ingestion and inhalation exposure routes are considered. If the contaminant is not a volatile, only ingestion is considered.

4.9.3 Method 1 for SSL Determination

Method 1 employs a partitioning equation for migration to groundwater and defaults are provided. This method is used to generate the download default tables.

4.9.4 Method 2 for SSL Determination

Method 2 employs a mass-limit equation for migration to groundwater and site-specific information is required. This method can be used in the calculator portion of this website.

4.9.5 Determination of the Dilution Factor

The SSL values in the download tables are based on a dilution factor of 1. The dilution factor default for the calculator is 20 for 0.5 acre source. If all of the parameters needed to calculate a site-specific dilution factor are known, they may be entered.

4.10 Supporting Equations and Parameter Discussion

There are two parts of the above land use equations that require further explanation. They are the inhalation variables: the particulate emission factor (PEF) and the volatilization factor (VF).

4.10.1 Particulate Emission Factor (PEF)

Inhalation of contaminants adsorbed to respirable particles (PM10) was assessed using a default PEF equal to 1.36 x 109 m3/kg. This equation relates the contaminant concentration in soil with the concentration of respirable particles in the air due to fugitive dust emissions from contaminated soils. The generic PEF was derived using default values that correspond to a receptor point concentration of approximately 0.76 ug/m3. The relationship is derived by Cowherd (1985) for a rapid assessment procedure applicable to a typical hazardous waste site, where the surface contamination provides a relatively continuous and constant potential for emission over an extended period of time (e.g., years). This represents an annual average emission rate based on wind erosion that should be compared with chronic health criteria; it is not appropriate for evaluating the potential for more acute exposures. Definitions of the input variables are in Table 1.

With the exception of specific heavy metals, the PEF does not appear to significantly affect most soil screening levels. The equation forms the basis for deriving a generic PEF for the inhalation pathway. For more details regarding specific parameters used in the PEF model, refer to Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document. The use of alternate values on a specific site should be justified and presented in an Administrative Record if considered in CERCLA remedy selection.

Note: the generic PEF evaluates wind-borne emissions and does not consider dust emissions from traffic or other forms of mechanical disturbance that could lead to greater emissions than assumed here.

4.10.2 Volatilization Factor (VF)

The soil-to-air VF is used to define the relationship between the concentration of the contaminant in soil and the flux of the volatilized contaminant to air. VF is calculated from the equation below using chemical-specific properties and either site-measured or default values for soil moisture, dry bulk density, and fraction of organic carbon in soil. The Soil Screening Guidance: User’s Guide describes how to develop site measured values for these parameters.

VF is only calculated for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs, for the purpose of this guidance, are chemicals with a Henry's Law constant of 1 x 10-5 atm-m3/mole or greater and with a molecular weight of less than 200 g/mole.

Diffusivity in Water (cm2/s)

Diffusivity in water can be calculated from the chemical's molecular weight and density, using the following correlation equation based on WATER9 (U.S. EPA, 2001):

If density is not available, diffusivity in water can be calculated using the correlation equation based on U.S. EPA (1987). The value for diffusivity in water must be greater than zero. No maximum limit is enforced.

Diffusivity in Air (cm2/s).

Diffusivity in air can be calculated from the chemical's molecular weight and density, using the following correlation equation based on WATER9 (U.S. EPA, 2001):

If density is not available, diffusivity in air can be calculated using the correlation equation based on U.S. EPA (1987). For dioxins, diffusivity in air can be calculated from the molecular weight using the correlation equation based on EPA's Dioxin Reassessment (U.S. EPA, 2000).

5. Special Considerations

Most of the SLs are readily derived by referring to the above equations. However, there are some cases for which the standard equations do not apply and/or external adjustments to the SLs are recommended. These special case chemicals are discussed below.

5.1 Cadmium

IRIS presents an oral "water" RfD for cadmium for use in assessment of risks to water of 0.0005 mg/kg-day. IRIS also presents an oral "food" RfD for cadmium for use in assessment of risks to soil and biota of 0.001 mg/kg-day. The SLs for Cadmium are based on the oral RfD for "water", which is slightly more conservative (by a factor of 2) than the RfD for "food". Because the SLs are considered screening values, the more conservative RfD is used for cadmium. However, reasonable arguments could be made for applying an RfD for food (instead of the oral RfD for water) for some media such as soils. RAGS Part E, in Exhibit 4-1, presents a GIABS for soil of 2.5% and for water of 5%.

5.2 Lead

EPA has no consensus RfD or CSF for inorganic lead, so it is not possible to calculate SLs as we have done for other chemicals. EPA considers lead to be a special case because of the difficulty in identifying the classic "threshold" needed to develop an RfD.

EPA therefore evaluates lead exposure by using blood-lead modeling, such as the Integrated Exposure-Uptake Biokinetic Model (IEUBK). The EPA Office of Solid Waste has also released a detailed directive on risk assessment and cleanup of residential soil lead. The directive recommends that soil lead levels less than 400 mg/kg are generally safe for residential use. Above that level, the document suggests collecting data and modeling blood-lead levels with the IEUBK model. For the purposes of screening, therefore, 400 mg/kg is recommended for residential soils. For water, we suggest 15 ug/l (the EPA Action Level in water), and for air, the National Ambient Air Quality Standard.

However, caution should be used when both water and soil are being assessed. The IEUBK model shows that if the average soil concentration is 400 mg/kg, an average tap water concentration above 5 ug/L would yield more than 5% of the population above a 10 ug/dL blood-lead level. If the average tap water concentration is 15 ug/L, an average soil concentration greater than 250 mg/kg would yield more than 5% of the population above a 10 ug/dL blood-lead level.

EPA uses a second Adult Lead Model to estimate SLs for an industrial setting. This SL is intended to protect a fetus that may be carried by a pregnant female worker. It is assumed that a cleanup goal that is protective of a fetus will also afford protection for male or female adult workers. The model equations were developed to calculate cleanup goals such that the fetus of a pregnant female worker would not likely have an unsafe concentration of lead in blood.

For more information on EPA’s lead models and other lead-related topics, please go to Addressing Lead at Superfund Sites.

5.3 Manganese

The IRIS RfD (0.14 mg/kg-day) includes manganese from all sources, including diet. The author of the IRIS assessment for manganese recommended that the dietary contribution from the normal U.S. diet (an upper limit of 5 mg/day) be subtracted when evaluating non-food (e.g., drinking water or soil) exposures to manganese, leading to a RfD of 0.071 mg/kg-day for non-food items. The explanatory text in IRIS further recommends using a modifying factor of 3 when calculating risks associated with non-food sources due to a number of uncertainties that are discussed in the IRIS file for manganese, leading to a RfD of 0.024 mg/kg-day. This modified RfD has been used in the derivation of some manganese screening levels for soil and water. For more information regarding the Manganese RfD, users are advised to contact the author of the IRIS assessment on Manganese.

5.4 Vanadium and Thallium Compounds

The oral RfD for Thallium, used in this website, is derived from the IRIS oral RfD for Thallium Sulfate by factoring out the molecular weight (MW) of the sulfate ion. Thallium Sulfate (Tl2S04) has a molecular weight of 504.82. The two atoms of Thallium contribute 81% of the MW. Thallium Sulfate's oral RfD of 8E-05 multiplied by 81% gives a Thallium oral RfD of 6.48E-05.

The oral RfD toxicity value for Vanadium, used in this website, is derived from the IRIS oral RfD for Vanadium Pentoxide by factoring out the molecular weight (MW) of the oxide ion. Vanadium Pentoxide (V205) has a molecular weight of 181.88. The two atoms of Vanadium contribute 56% of the MW. Vanadium Pentoxide's oral RfD of 9E-03 multiplied by 56% gives a Vanadium oral RfD of 5.04E-03.

5.5 Uranium

"Uranium Soluble Salts" uses the IRIS oral RfD of 3E-03. For the insoluble salts of Uranium, the oral RfD of 6E-04 may be used from the Federal Register (PDF) (47 pp, 431k), Thursday December 7, 2000. Part II, Environmental Protection Agency. 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142 - National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Radionuclides; Final Rule. p 76713

5.6 Chromium (VI)

For Chromium (VI) (Cr6), IRIS shows an air unit risk of 1.2E-2 per (ug/m 3). However, the supporting documentation in the IRIS file states that this toxicity value is based on an assumed 1:6 ratio of Cr6:Cr3. Because of this assumption and in an effort to be transparent, RSLs based on this cancer toxicity value are presented as "Chromium, Total (1:6 ratio Cr VI:III)" numbers.

In the RSL Table, the Cr6 specific value (assuming 100% Cr6) is derived by multiplying the IRIS Cr6 value by 7. This is considered to be a conservative and protective and is consistent with the State of California's interpretation of the Mancuso study that forms the basis of Cr6's toxicity values.

It is recommended that valent-specific data for Chromium be collected when Chromium is likely to be an important contaminant at a site, and when Cr6 may exist. In the absence of valent-specific data, screening levels for total Chromium are provided. If you are working on a chromium site, you may want to contact the appropriate regulatory officials in your region to determine what their position is on this issue.

5.7 Aminodinitrotoluenes

The IRIS oral RfD of 2E-03 for 2,4-Dinitrotoluene is used as a surrogate for 2-Amino-4,6-Dinitrotoluene and 4-Amino-2,6-Dinitrotoluene.

5.8 PCBs

Aroclor 1016 is considered low risk and assigned appropriate toxicity values. All other Aroclors are assigned the high risk toxicity values.

5.9 Soil Saturation Limit (Csat)

The soil saturation concentration, Csat, corresponds to the contaminant concentration in soil at which the absorptive limits of the soil particles, the solubility limits of the soil pore water, and saturation of soil pore air have been reached. Above this concentration, the soil contaminant may be present in free phase (i.e., nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) for contaminants that are liquid at ambient soil temperatures and pure solid phases for compounds that are solid at ambient soil temperatures).

Equation 4-10 is used to calculate Csat for each volatile contaminant. As an update to RAGS HHEM, Part B (USEPA 1991a), this equation takes into account the amount of contaminant that is in the vapor phase in soil in addition to the amount dissolved in the soil’s pore water and sorbed to soil particles.

Chemical-specific Csat concentrations must be compared with each VF-based SL because a basic principle of the SL volatilization model is not applicable when free-phase contaminants are present. How these cases are handled depends on whether the contaminant is liquid or solid at ambient temperatures. Liquid contaminant that have a VF-based SL that exceeds the Csat concentration are set equal to Csat whereas for solids (e.g., PAHs), soil screening decisions are based on the appropriate SLs for other pathways of concern at the site (e.g., ingestion).

5.10 SL Theoretical Ceiling Limit

The ceiling limit of 10+5 mg/kg is equivalent to a chemical representing 10% by weight of the soil sample. At this contaminant concentration (and higher), the assumptions for soil contact may be violated (for example, soil adherence and wind-borne dispersion assumptions) due to the presence of the foreign substance itself.

5.11 Target Risk

With the exceptions described previously in Sections 5.6 and 5.7, SLs are chemical concentrations that correspond to fixed levels of risk (i.e., either a one-in-one million [10-6] cancer risk or a noncarcinogenic hazard quotient of 1) in soil, air, and water. In most cases, where a substance causes both cancer and noncancer (systemic) effects, the 10-6 cancer risk will result in a more stringent criteria and consequently this value is presented in the printed copy of the Table. SL concentrations that equate to a 10-6 cancer risk are indicated by 'ca'. SL concentrations that equate to a hazard quotient of 1 for noncarcinogenic concerns are indicated by 'nc'.

If the SLs are to be used for site screening, it is recommended that both cancer and noncancer-based SLs be used. Both carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic values may be obtained in the Supporting Tables.

Some users of this SL Table may plan to multiply the cancer SL concentrations by 10 or 100 to set 'action levels' for triggering remediation or to set less stringent cleanup levels for a specific site after considering non-risk-based factors such as ambient levels, detection limits, or technological feasibility. This risk management practice recognizes that there may be a range of values that may be 'acceptable' for carcinogenic risk (EPA's risk management range is one-in-a-million [10-6] to one-in-ten thousand [10-4]). However, this practice could lead one to overlook serious noncancer health threats and it is strongly recommended that the user consult with a toxicologist or regional risk assessor before doing this. Carcinogens are indicated by an asterisk ('*') in the SL Table where the noncancer SLs would be exceeded if the cancer value that is displayed is multiplied by 100. ('**') indicate that the noncancer values would be exceeded if the cancer SL were multiplied by 10. There is no range of 'acceptable' noncarcinogenic 'risk' for CERCLA sites. Therefore, the noncancer SLs should not be multiplied by 10 or 100 when setting final cleanup criteria. In the rare case where noncancer SLs are more stringent than cancer SLs set at one-in-one-million risk, a similar approach has been applied (e.g. 'max').

SL concentrations in the printed Table are risk-based, but for soil there are two important exceptions: (1) for several volatile chemicals, SLs may exceed the soil saturation level ('sat') and (2) SLs may exceed a non-risk based 'ceiling limit' concentration of 10+5 mg/kg ('max') for relatively less toxic inorganic and semivolatile contaminants. For more information on the 'sat' value in the SL Table, please see the discussion in Section 5.8. For more information on the 'max' value in the SL Table, please see the discussion in Section 5.9.

With respect to applying a 'ceiling limit' for chemicals other than volatiles, it is recognized that this is not a universally accepted approach. Some within the agency argue that all values should be risk-based to allow for scaling (for example, if the risk-based SL is set at a hazard quotient = 1.0, and the user would like to set the hazard quotient to 0.1 to take into account multiple chemicals, then this is as simple as multiplying the risk-based SL by 1/10th). If scaling is necessary, SL users can do this simply by referring to the Supporting Tables at this website where risk-based soil concentrations are presented for all chemicals.

In spite of the fact that applying a ceiling limit is not a universally accepted approach, this table applies a 'max' soil concentration to the SL Table for the following reasons:

5.12 Screening Sites with Multiple Contaminants

The screening levels in the tables are calculated under the assumption that only one contaminant is present. Users needing to screen sites with multiple contaminants should consult with their regional risk assessors. The following sections describe how target risks can be changed to screen against multiple contaminants and how the ratio of concentration to RSL can be used to estimate total risk.

5.12.1 Adjusting Target Risk and Target Hazard Quotient

When multiple contaminants are present at a site the target hazard quotient (THQ) may be modified. The following options are among the commonly used methods to modify the THQ:

  1. The calculator on this website can be used to generate SLs based on any THQ or target cancer risk (TR) deemed appropriate by the user. The THQ input to the calculator can be modified from the default of 1. How much it should be modified is a user decision, but it could be based upon the number of contaminants being screened together. For example, if one is screening two contaminants together, then the THQ could be modified to 0.5. If ten contaminants are being screened together, then the THQ could be modified to 0.1. The above example weights each chemical equally; it is also possible to weight the chemicals unequally, as long as the total risk meets the desired goal. The decision of how to weight the chemicals is likely to be site-specific, and it is recommended that this decision be made in consultation with the regional risk assessor.

    Note that when the TR or THQ is altered, the relationship between cancer-based and noncancer-based SLs may change. At certain risk levels, the cancer-based number may be more conservative; at different risk levels, the noncancer-based number may be more conservative. The data user needs to consider both cancer and noncancer endpoints.

  2. Similar to the above approach of using the calculator to recalculate SLs based on non-default target levels, the values in the screening tables themselves can be addressed directly. Consistent with the above logic, although the EPA Superfund Program has not developed guidance on this, it is not uncommon that Superfund sites are screened at a THQ of 0.1. (The cancer-based SLs are already at a target risk of 1E-6 and are usually not adjusted further in this scenario.) SLs based on a THQ of 0.1 can be derived by dividing a default SL by 10. Again, note that altering the target HQ can change the relationship between cancer-based and noncancer-based screening levels; the data user needs to consider both endpoints. Additional approaches or alternatives may exist. When screening actual or potential Superfund sites, users are encouraged to consult with risk assessors in that EPA Regional Office when evaluating or screening contamination at a site with multiple contaminants to see if they may know of another approach or if they have a preference.

5.12.2 Using RSLs to Sum Risk from Multiple Contaminants

RSLs can be used to estimate the total risk from multiple contaminants at a site as part of a screening procedure used by some regions. This methodology, which does not substitute for a baseline risk assessment, is often called the “sum of the ratios” approach. A step-wise approach follows:

  1. Perform an extensive records search and compile existing data.

  2. Identify site contaminants in the SL Table. Record the SL concentrations for various media and note whether SL is based on cancer risk (indicated by ‘c') or noncancer hazard (indicated by 'n'). Segregate cancer SLs from non-cancer SLs and exclude (but don't eliminate) non-risk based SLs 's' or 'm'.

  3. For cancer risk estimates, take the site-specific concentration (maximum or 95th percentile of the upper confidence on the mean (UCL)) and divide by the SL concentrations that are designated for cancer evaluation 'c'. Multiply this ratio by 10-6 to estimate chemical-specific risk for a reasonable maximum exposure (RME). For multiple pollutants, simply add the risk for each chemical. See equation below.

  4. d
  5. For non-cancer hazard estimates, divide the concentration term by its respective non-cancer SL designated as 'n' and sum the ratios for multiple contaminants. The cumulative ratio represents a non-carcinogenic hazard index (HI). A hazard index of 1 or less is generally considered 'safe'. A ratio greater than 1 suggests further evaluation. Note that carcinogens may also have an associated non-cancer SL that is not listed in the SL Table. To obtain these values, the user should view the Supporting Tables. See equation below.

  6. d

5.13 Deriving Soil Gas SLs

The air SLs could apply to indoor air from, e.g., a vapor intrusion scenario. To model indoor air concentrations from other media (e.g., soil gas, groundwater), consult with regional experts in vapor intrusion.

For more information on EPA's current understanding of this emerging exposure pathway, please refer to EPA's recent draft guidance Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance) (USEPA 2002) available on the web at: http://www.epa.gov/correctiveaction/eis/vapor.htm.

6. Using the Calculator

The Calculator can be used to generate site-specific SLs or PRGs. The calculator requires the user to make some simple selections. To use the calculator Select a landuse. Next, select whether you want Default or Site-specific SLs. Selecting default screening levels will reproduce the results in the generic Generic Tables. Selecting Site-Specific will allow you to change exposure parameters. Now pick your analytes. To pick several in a row, depress the left mouse button and drag, then release. Or hold the Ctrl key down and select multiple analytes that are not in a row. Select the output option. Hit the retrieve button. If you selected Site-Specific, the next page allows you to change exposure parameters. Hit the retreive button. SLs are being calculated. The first table presents the input parameters that were selected. The next table contains the screening levels. This table can be too big to print. The easiest way to manage this table is to move it to a spreadsheet or a database. To copy this table, hold the left mouse key down and drag across the entire table. when done, press Ctrl c to copy. Switch to a spreadsheet and press Ctrl v to paste.

Table 1. Standard Default Factors

Symbol Definition (units) Default Reference
SLres-air-ca Resident Air Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-air-ca-vinyl chloride Resident Air Carcinogenic Vinyl Chloride (ug/m3) Vinyl Chloride-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-air-mu Resident Air Mutagenic (ug/m3) Mutagen-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-air-nc Resident Air Noncarcinogenic (ug/m3) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-fsh-ca-ing Resident Fish Carcinogenic (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-fsh-nc-ing Resident Fish Noncarcinogenic (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-ca-ing Resident Tapwater Groundwater Carcinogenic Ingestion (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-ca-inh Resident Tapwater Groundwater Carcinogenic Inhalation (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-ca-tot Resident Tapwater Groundwater Carcinogenic Total (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-water-ca-vc-ing Resident Tapwater Groundwater Carcinogenic Vinyl Chloride Ingestion (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-water-ca-vc-inh Resident Tapwater Groundwater Carcinogenic Vinyl Chloride Inhalation (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-water-ca-vc-tot Resident Tapwater Groundwater Carcinogenic Vinyl Chloride Total (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-mu-ing Resident Tapwater Groundwater Mutagenic Ingestion (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-mu-inh Resident Tapwater Groundwater Mutagenic Inhalation (ug/L) Mutagen-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-mu-tot Resident Tapwater Groundwater Mutagenic Total (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-nc-ing Resident Tapwater Groundwater Noncarcinogenic Ingestion (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-nc-inh Resident Tapwater Groundwater Noncarcinogenic Inhalation (ug/L) Mutagen-specific Determined in this calculator
SLwater-nc-tot Resident Tapwater Groundwater Noncarcinogenic Total (ug/L) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-ca-ing Resident Soil Carcinogenic Ingestion (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-ca-der Resident Soil Carcinogenic Dermal (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-ca-inh Resident Soil Carcinogenic Inhalation (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-ca-tot Resident Soil Carcinogenic Total (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-soil-ca-vc-ing Resident Soil Carcinogenic Vinyl Chloride Ingestion (mg/kg) Vinyl Chloride -specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-soil-ca-vc-der Resident Soil Carcinogenic Vinyl Chloride Dermal (mg/kg) Vinyl Chloride-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-soil-ca-vc-inh Resident Soil Carcinogenic Vinyl Chloride Inhalation (mg/kg) Vinyl Chloride-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-soil-ca-vc-tot Resident Soil Carcinogenic Vinyl Chloride Total (mg/kg) Vinyl Chloride-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-mu-ing Resident Soil Mutagenic Ingestion (mg/kg) Mutagen-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-mu-der Resident Soil Mutagenic Dermal (mg/kg) Mutagen-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-mu-inh Resident Soil Mutagenic Inhalation (mg/kg) Mutagen-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-mu-tot Resident Soil Mutagenic Total (mg/kg) Mutagen-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-nc-ing Resident Soil Noncarcinogenic Ingestion (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-nc-der Resident Soil Noncarcinogenic Dermal (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-nc-inh Resident Soil Noncarcinogenic Inhalation (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLres-sol-nc-tot Resident Soil Noncarcinogenic Total (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLw-sol-ca-ing Worker Soil Carcinogenic Ingestion (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLw-sol-ca-der Worker Soil Carcinogenic Dermal (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLw-sol-ca-inh Worker Soil Carcinogenic Inhalation (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLw-sol-ca-tot Worker Soil Carcinogenic Total (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLw-sol-nc-ing Worker Soil Noncarcinogenic Ingestion (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLw-sol-nc-der Worker Soil Noncarcinogenic Dermal (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLw-sol-nc-inh Worker Soil Noncarcinogenic Inhalation (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
SLw-sol-nc-tot Worker Soil Noncarcinogenic Total (mg/kg) Contaminant-specific Determined in this calculator
Toxicity Values
RfDo Chronic Oral Reference Dose (mg/kg-day) Contaminant-specific EPA Superfund hierarchy
RfC Chronic Inhalation Reference Concentration (mg/m3) Contaminant-specific EPA Superfund hierarchy
CSFo Chronic oral Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1 Contaminant-specific EPA Superfund hierarchy
IUR Chronic Inhalation Unit Risk (ug/m3)-1 Contaminant-specific EPA Superfund hierarchy
Miscellaneous Variables
TR target risk 1 10-6 Determined in this calculator
THQ target hazard quotient 1 Determined in this calculator
K Andelman Volatilization Factor (L/m3) 0.5 U.S. EPA 1991b (pg. 20)
ATr Averaging time - resident (days/year) 365 U.S. EPA 1989 (pg. 6-23)
ATow Averaging time - worker (days/year) 365 U.S. EPA 1989 (pg. 6-23)
LT Lifetime (years) 70 U.S. EPA 1989 (pg. 6-22)
Ingestion, and Dermal Contact Rates
IRWc Drinking Water Ingestion Rate - Child (L/day) 1  
IRWa Drinking Water Ingestion Rate - Adult (L/day) 2 U.S. EPA 1989 (Exhibit 6-11)
IFWadj Drinking Water Ingestion Rate - Age-adjusted (L-year/kg-day) 2 Calculated using the aged adjusted intake factors equation
IFWMadj Mutagenic Drinking Water Ingestion Rate - Age-adjusted (L-year/kg-day) 3.39 Calculated using the aged adjusted intake factors equation
IRSc Resident Soil Ingestion Rate - Child (mg/day) 200 U.S. EPA 1991a (pg. 15)
IRSa Resident Soil Ingestion Rate - Adult (mg/day) 100 U.S. EPA 1991a (pg. 15)
IFSadj Resident Soil Ingestion Rate - Age-adjusted (mg-year/kg-day) 114 Calculated using the aged adjusted intake factors equation
IFSMadj Mutagenic Resident Soil Ingestion Rate - Age-adjusted (mg-year/kg-day) 489.5 Calculated using the aged adjusted intake factors equation
IRFa Fish Ingestion Rate (mg/day) 5.4 104 U.S. EPA 1991a (pg. 15)
SAc Resident soil surface area - child (cm2) 2800 U.S. EPA 2002 (Exhibit 1-2)
SAa Resident soil surface area - adult (cm2) 5700 U.S. EPA 2002 (Exhibit 1-2)
AFc Resident soil adherence factor-child (mg/cm2) 0.2 U.S. EPA 2002 (Exhibit 1-2)
AFa Resident soil adherence factor-adult (mg/cm2) 0.07 U.S. EPA 2002 (Exhibit 1-2)
DFSadj Resident soil dermal contact factor- age-adjusted (mg-year/kg-day) 361 Calculated using the aged adjusted intake factors equation
DFSMadj Mutagenic Resident soil dermal contact factor- age-adjusted (mg-year/kg-day) 1445 Calculated using the aged adjusted intake factors equation
SAow Worker soil surface area - adult (cm2) 3300 U.S. EPA 2002 (Exhibit 1-2)
AFow Worker soil adherence factor-child (mg/cm2) 0.2 U.S. EPA 2002 (Exhibit 1-2)
ABS Fraction of contaminant absorbed dermally from soil (unitless) Contaminant-specific U.S. EPA 2004 (Exhibit 3-4)
GIABS Fraction of contaminant absorbed in gastrointestinal tract (unitless) Note: if the GIABS is >50% then it is set to 100% for the calculation of dermal toxicity values. Contaminant-specific U.S. EPA 2004 (Exhibit 4-1)
Exposure Frequency, Exposure Duration, and Exposure Time Variables
EFr Exposure Frequency - residential (days/yr) 350 U.S. EPA 1991a (pg. 15)
EFow Exposure Frequency - worker (days/yr) 250 U.S. EPA 1991a (pg. 15)
EDr Exposure Duration - resident (yr) 30 U.S. EPA 1991a (pg. 15)
EDc Exposure Duration -child resident (yr) 6 U.S. EPA 1991a (pg. 15)
EDow Exposure Duration - worker (yr) 25 U.S. EPA 1991a (pg. 15)
ET ra Exposure Time - resident air (hr/hr) 1 24 hrs per 24 hr Day
Soil to Groundwater SSL Factor Variables
I Infiltration Rate (m/year) 0.18 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
L source length parallel to ground water flow (m) 400 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
i hydraulic gradient (m/m) 1.2 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
K aquifer hydraulic conductivity (m/year) 40 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
w water-filled soil porosity (Lwater/Lsoil) 0.3 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
a air-filled soil porosity (Lair/Lsoil) = n-w U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
n total soil porosity(Lpore/Lsoil) = 1-(b/s) U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
s soil particle density (Kg/L) 2.65 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
b dry soil bulk density (kg/L) 1.5 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
H' Dimensionless Henry Law Constant (unitless) analyte-specific EPI Suite
Kd soil-water partition coefficient (L/kg) = Koc*foc for organics U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
Koc soil organic carbon/water partition coefficient (L/kg) analyte-specific EPI Suite
foc fraction organic carbon in soil (g/g) 0.002 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
da aquifer thickness (m) 12 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
ds depth of source (m) 2 U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
d mixing zone depth (m) calculated U.S. EPA. 1996a (pg. 31)
Particulate Emission Factor Variables
PEF Particulate Emission Factor - Minneapolis (m3/kg) 1.36 x 109(region-specific) Determined in this calculator
Q/C Inverse of the Mean Concentration at the Center of a 0.5-Acre-Square Source (g/m2-s per kg/m3) 93.77 (region-specific) Determined in this calculator
V Fraction of Vegetative Cover (unitless) 0.5 U.S. EPA 1996a (pg. 23)
Um Mean Annual Wind Speed (m/s) 4.69 U.S. EPA 1996a (pg. 23)
Ut Equivalent Threshold Value of Wind Speed at 7m (m/s) 11.32 U.S. EPA 1996a (pg. 23)
F(x) Function Dependent on Um /Ut (unitless) 0.194 U.S. EPA 1996a (pg. 23)
A Dispersion constant unitless PEF and region-specific U.S. EPA 2002 (pg. D-6 to D-8)
As Areal extent of the site or contamination (acres) 0.5 (range 0.5 to 500 ) U.S. EPA 2002 (pg. D-2)
B Dispersion constant unitless PEF and region-specific U.S. EPA 2002 (pg. D-6 to D-8)
C Dispersion constant unitless PEF and region-specific U.S. EPA 2002 (pg. D-6 to D-8)
Volatilization Factor and Soil Saturation Limit Variables
VF Volatilization Factor - Los Angeles (m3/kg) Contaminant-specific U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
Q/Cw Inverse of the Mean Concentration at the Center of a
0.5-Acre-Square Source (g/m2-s per kg/m3)
68.81 U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
DA Apparent Diffusivity (cm2/s) Contaminant-specific U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
T Exposure interval (s) 9.5108 U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
b Dry soil bulk density (g/cm3) 1.5 U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
a Air-filled soil porosity (Lair/Lsoil) (n-w) 0.28 U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
n Total soil porosity ( Lpore/Lsoil) (1-( b/ s) 0.43 U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
w Water-filled soil porosity (Lwater/Lsoil) 0.15 U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
s Soil particle density (g/cm3) 2.65 U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
S Water Solubility Limit (mg/L) Contaminant-specific EPI Suite
Dia Diffusivity in air (cm2/s) Contaminant-specific U.S. EPA. 2001
H' Dimensionless Henry's Law Constant Contaminant-specific EPI Suite
Diw Diffusivity in water (cm2/s) Contaminant-specific U.S. EPA. 2001
Kd Soil-water partition coefficient (L/Kg) (Koc×foc) Contaminant-specific U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)
Koc Soil organic carbon-water partition coefficient (L/Kg) Contaminant-specific EPI Suite
foc Organic carbon content of soil (g/g) 0.006 U.S. EPA. 1996b (pg. 24)

U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1987. Processes, Coefficients, and Models for Simulation Toxic Organics and Heavy Metals in Surface Waters. EPA/600/3-87/015. Office of Research and Development, Athens, GA.

U.S. EPA 1989. Risk assessment guidance for Superfund. Volume I: Human health evaluation manual (Part A). Interim Final. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. EPA/540/1-89/002.

U.S. EPA 1991a. Human health evaluation manual, supplemental guidance: "Standard default exposure factors (PDF) (28 pp, 203K, About PDF)". OSWER Directive 9285.6-03.

U.S. EPA 1991b. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part B, Development of Risk-Based Preliminary Remediation Goals). Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. EPA/540/R-92/003. December 1991

U.S. EPA. 1996a. Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. Washington, DC. OSWER No. 9355.4-23 http://www.epa.gov/superfund/health/conmedia/soil/index.htm#user

U.S. EPA. 1996b. Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. Washington, DC. OSWER No. 9355.4-17A http://www.epa.gov/superfund/health/conmedia/soil/introtbd.htm

U.S. EPA. 1997a. Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC. EPA/600/P-95/002Fa.

U.S. EPA 2000. Exposure and Human Health Reassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds. Part I: Estimating Exposure to Dioxin-Like Compounds. Volume 3--Properties, Environmental Levels, and Background Exposures. Draft Final Report. EPA/600/P- 00/001. Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC. September.

U.S. EPA, 2001. WATER9. Version 1.0.0. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. Web site at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/water/index.html.

U.S. EPA 2002. Supplemental Guidance for Developing Soil Screening Levels for Superfund Sites. OSWER 9355.4-24. December 2002. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/health/conmedia/soil/index.htm

U.S. EPA 2004. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment) Final. OSWER 9285.7-02EP.July 2004. website http://www.epa.gov/oswer/riskassessment/ragse/index.htm

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