NOAA Photo Library Banner

collage banner showing clouds, nws logo, lightning and women using meteorological equipment

National Weather Service history is rich with images of scientific accomplishment, technological innovation and community service.

The photos in these archives help tell the stories of our people and their service to communities across America, from telegraph operators of the Army Signal Service in the 1870s to the women who joined our ranks during World War II; from pioneers early in the 20th century who took advantage of the development of aviation and wireless radio communications to the highly-educated scientists and engineers of today who are coupling radars, satellites, networks of observing systems and advanced computers to deliver the world's best weather and climate services to our nation.

We hope you enjoy these snapshots of the heritage of the Weather Bureau and today's National Weather Service, the source of official forecasts, warnings and climate outlooks that help us all plan our daily lives.

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View ALL images contained in the collection. Click on thumbnails to view larger images.
Images are arranged by themes. Click on thumbnails to view larger images. Note that not all images are contained in the albums - select the above option to view ALL current images.

Historical National Weather Service ~ Albums


water spouts
Meteorological Monsters

early ship
Exploring the Atmosphere

boy standing next to early meteorological field station
Measuring Instruments and Methods

Getting the
Word Out


Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA),
NOAA Central Library

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Last Updated:
December 5, 2006