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Brochures, Documents and Links

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Beadwork by Lori Seidner Clark
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Region 9 Indian Reservations Web Version | PDF (1 pg, 142 KB)

Arizona Indian Reservations Web Verison | PDF (1 pg, 204 KB)

California Indian Reservations Web Version | PDF (1 pg, 280 KB)

Nevada Indian Reservations Web Version | PDF (1 pg, 169 KB)

For additional tribal maps, visit the Bureau of Indian Affairs Web site

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EPA-Published Brochures and Documents

EPA Region 9 Approach to Consultation with Tribal Governments Regarding Non-Enforcement Related Matters

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EPA Resources on the Web

Region 9

EPA Region 9 Organization Chart
If you are unfamiliar with the organizational structure of EPA's Region 9 or if you wish to write to a specific division you can find the information on our organizational chart.

EPA Region 9: Grants
Provides information about available grants, how to apply, managing grants, and open requests for grant proposals.

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Other Resources on the Web

The following is only a small fraction of the information available to tribes on the World Wide Web and by no means is it intended to be an exhaustive list. However, this is a quick reference guide that can direct you to the specifics of your interest. While EPA is not responsible for the information given in these sites, we provide this selection of links as a service. We hope you find it useful.

Tribal-EPA Programs

U.S. Government Links Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

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American Indian Organizations Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

Environmental Links Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

Legal Research Databases on American Indian Issues  Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

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The following documents and links are provided for historical reference only.

Tribal successes of Past Years

Successes 2005 Information at this link provided for reference purposes only

Successes 2004 Information at this link provided for reference purposes only

Successes 2003 Information at this link provided for reference purposes only

Successes 2002 Information at this link provided for reference purposes only

Past Tribal-EPA Conferences

2006 Tribal Environmental Conference Information at this link provided for reference purposes only

2004 Tribal Environmental Conference Information at this link provided for reference purposes only

2003 Tribal Environmental Conference Information at this link provided for reference purposes only and Regional Tribal Operations Committee (RTOC) Meeting, October 20 - 24

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