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FY 2009 General Assistance Program (GAP) Grant Notification


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 9, is requesting Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP) grant proposals from federally recognized tribal governments and intertribal consortia for FY2010 work plan program development activities. The goal of the GAP is to assist tribes in developing the capability to plan and establish environmental protection programs and to develop and implement solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance with their individual needs.

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number for the GAP is 66.926.

Important Dates*:

Grant Notification distributed by EPA Oct. 23, 2008
Tribal Proposals must be submitted online by Dec. 19, 2008
GAP Full Applications with Revised Work plans submitted online no later than Apr. 17, 2009
Grant awards will be made by Sept. 30, 2009
*Funding is jeopardized if materials are received after the due dates.
*Notice of approved funding amounts will be based on R9’s receipt of final GAP funding allocation

New Information

Contents of Full Text Announcement

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  1. Overview
  2. Background and Program Description
  3. Funding Amount Available
  4. Eligibility
    1. Eligible Recipients
    2. Environmental Measures and Results
    3. Eligible Activities (See Attachments A and B)
  5. Proposal Process
    1. Proposal Content
      1. Narrative Discussion
      2. Work plan
      3. Budget Breakdown
      4. Government Endorsement
    2. Proposal Review Factors
    3. Funding Priorities
    4. Funding Decision Notifications/Guidance Letters
  6. Final Application Process
  7. Performance Partnership Grants
  8. Award Administration
  9. Agency Contacts

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