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Tribal Border Infrastructure Program 2009

Agency Name:  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9
Funding Opportunity Name:  Tribal Border Infrastructure Program
Announcement Type: Initial Announcement
Funding Opportunity Number: EPA-R9-WTR1-09-005
Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Number:  66.202



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region’s 6 and 9 Water Divisions are soliciting proposals from eligible tribes for the Tribal Border Infrastructure Program.  This program funds high priority wastewater and drinking water infrastructure projects in Indian country within 62 miles (100 kilometers) of the U.S. / Mexico Border. Funding for selected projects will be awarded through either a grant from the respective EPA Regional Office to the tribe, or through an Interagency Agreement (IA) between EPA and IHS.  The Regional Office where the Tribe is located and the project will be performed will be responsible for making the award.

Examples of high priority wastewater and drinking water infrastructure projects that may be funded under this announcement include but are not limited to:

Drinking water projects

Wastewater projects

EPA anticipates up to approximately $1 million will be available for awards under this program. EPA estimates that approximately 2-4 projects will be funded under this announcement ranging from approximately $250,000 to $500,000.  EPA reserves the right to fund additional eligible projects under this solicitation if additional funding becomes available (See Section II for further information) .
Funding will be awarded to eligible applicants through either grants to the tribe or through Interagency Agreements (IAs) between EPA and the Indian Health Service (IHS).  

No matching funds are required.

This assistance will be awarded under the statutory authority for Mexican border infrastructure projects found in the Continuing Appropriations Resolution (see Public Law 110-329). 

Important Dates

04/10/09 Proposals must be received either through Grants.gov or hardcopy submission by this date by 5pm Pacific Standard Time

EPA tentatively selects proposals for awards.  Project sponsors will be requested to submit either: (1)  Draft Project Summaries and Memorandum of Agreements (PS/MOAs) for projects to be funded by Interagency Agreements with IHS, or (2) grant applications and workplans for projects to be funded by direct grants from EPA.

05/13/09 Final draft Project Summaries/Memorandum Of Agreements, and final grant applications and workplans, as applicable, due.

EPA awards grants to recipients and/or enters into Interagency Agreements with IHS.  Finalized Project Summaries and Memorandum of Agreements are due.

The dates above (other than the April 10, 2009 proposal submission date) are anticipated dates and may be subject to change.  See Section IV for further information on submission methods and dates.

Contents of this Request for Proposals

  1. Funding Opportunity Description
  2. Award Information
  3. Eligibility Information
  4. Application and Submission Information
  5. Application Review Information
  6. Award Administration Information
  7. Agency Contacts
  8. Other Information (attachments)

View the full text announcement (PDF) (15 pp, 83K)

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