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Monitoring, Assessment and TMDLs

Monitoring, Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Quick Finder

EPA Region 9 and State TMDL Contacts

TMDLS overall (includes tribes and territories)

EPA contact
Peter Kozelka
(415) 972-3448

Monitoring and 305(b) overall, including tribes and territories

Janet Hashimoto (hashimoto.janet@epa.gov)
(415) 972-3452


EPA contact
Karen Irwin
(415) 947-4116

Link to: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (Monitoring and Assessment) Web site

American Samoa

General contact telephone
(684) 633-2304


EPA contact
Dave Guiliano
(415) 947-4133

Link to: California Environmental Protection Agency (Water Quality) Web site


Link to: Division of Environmental Quality - Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPS) Home Page


Link to: Guam Environmental Protection Agency - Water Programs Division Web site


EPA contact
Lynn Suer
(415) 972-3148

Hawaii Department of Health


EPA contact
Stephanie Wilson
(775) 885-6190

State of Nevada, Division of Environmental Protection

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