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Instructions for Region 9’s Challenge Goals

Challenge goals address regional or national environmental priorities. Because of their important environmental benefits, challenge goals count as two goals. In other words, a facility that makes a challenge goal can choose to make only three goals instead of four. However, a small facility that makes a challenge goal would still have to make two goals.

The following challenge goals are available in EPA's Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada).

Challenge Goal % Reduction Required
Suppliers' Environmental Performance, NOx or PM 2.5, Specific to Contract Diesel Fleets 15% (normalized)
Air Emissions, NOx or PM 2.5, either facility-wide or fleet emissions 15% (normalized)
Energy Use (Non-transportation) 10 % (absolute)
Water Use 15 % (normalized)
Discharges to Impaired Waters 15 % (absolute)
Priority Chemicals Use 10 % (absolute)
Habitat 10 acres (absolute)

In order to make a challenge goal, a facility should choose "Yes" for Question 2a - Are you proposing this as a challenge goal?

Region 9 offers additional information and technical assistance in meeting the region's Challenge Goals. Please contact Tom Kelly (kelly.thomasp@epa.gov) at (415) 972-3856 or Andre Villasenor (villasenor.andre@epa.gov) at (213) 244-1813.

Suppliers' Environmental Performance

A facility that uses contract diesel fleet carriers traveling at least 100,000 miles per year for that facility is challenged to reduce the associated NOx or PM 2.5 by 15% after normalizing. To make this challenge goal, the facility should choose Suppliers' Environmental Performance as a category and either NOx or PM 2.5 as the indicator. Thus the "future" quantity on line 4c of the Performance Track application must be at least 15% lower than the "baseline" quantity on line 4c. Under Question 4, the facility should select "Normalized goal."

Suggested strategy for reducing and tracking NOx and PM 2.5 emissions by 15% from contract diesel carriers:

Emissions improvements must be in excess of any applicable state requirements.

EPA Region 9 encourages facilities making this goal to contact Tom Kelly or Andre Villasenor, at (415) 972-3856 or (213) 244-1813, to discuss this further.

Air Emissions

A facility can make this challenge goal by choosing Air Emissions as a category and either NOx or PM 2.5 as the indicator in the Performance Track application. In order to receive credit for the challenge goal, the facility must commit to reducing the selected emissions facility-wide by at least 15 percent. Thus the "future" quantity on line 4c of the Performance Track application must be at least 15 percent lower than the "baseline" quantity on line 4c. Under Question 4, the facility should select "Normalized goal."

Alternatively, a facility that owns a fleet of at least 5 diesel vehicles may receive credit for a challenge goal by reducing fleet NOx or PM 2.5 emissions, provided fleet emissions represent a significant portion of facility-wide NOx or PM2.5 emissions. The emissions data that a facility submits in its application and annual performance reports should represent the NOx or PM 2.5 emissions for the entire facility, but the goal level need only reflect a 15% reduction in NOx or PM 2.5 for the fleet. For example, if a facility emits 10 tons of NOx annually, with 6 tons of those emissions due to fleet operations (and 4 tons due to stationary sources), the goal for the goal should be no higher than 9.1 tons. Under Question 1d, the facility should specify 1) what quantities of the baseline total emissions are from mobile sources and what quantities are from stationary sources, and 2) the intended primary activities for achieving emissions reductions.

Region 9 suggests these strategies for reducing NOx and PM 2.5 emissions from facility-owned fleets:

Emissions improvements must be in excess of any applicable state requirements.

EPA Region 9 encourages facilities making this goal to contact Tom Kelly or Andre Villasenor, at (415) 972-3856 or (213) 244-1813, to discuss this further.

Energy Use
EPA's Office of Air and Radiation is offering an energy use reduction challenge for non-transportation energy use. In order to receive credit for the challenge goal, the facility must commit to reducing its energy use by at least 10% before normalizing.

A facility that chooses this challenge goal should select Energy Use as the category, Total (non-transportation) Energy Use as the indicator, and Reduce Total Energy Use as the goal. In question 4e, on the line for "Total Energy Use," the "Future" quantity must be at least 10 percent less than the "Baseline" quantity. The selected response for question 4 should be "Absolute goal."

Water Use
EPA's Office of Water is offering a water use reduction challenge. A facility should select Water Use as the category and Total Water Use as the indicator in the Performance Track application. In order to receive credit for the challenge goal, the facility must commit to reducing its water use by at least 15% after normalizing (i.e., check "Normalized Goal" in Question 4). Thus, the "Future" quantity of water must be at least 15% less than the "Baseline" quantity. EPA's Office of Water is offering some water reduction ideas through their website:

Discharges to Impaired Waters
EPA's Office of Water is offering a challenge goal applicable to Performance Track facilities that discharge directly or indirectly to an impaired waterbody, i.e., a waterbody that is not currenty meeting a water quality standard. Follow the directions on the Discharges to Impaired Waters Challenge Goal page to learn whether the waterbody that your facility or publicly owned treatment works (POTW) discharges to is impaired.

In order to participate in this challenge goal, a facility should focus on an indicator that is linked to the impairment of the identified waterbody. The applicant should choose Discharges to Water as the category and the appropriate indicator (i.e., COD, BOD, toxics, total suspended solids, nutrients, sediment from runoff, or pathogens). In order to receive credit for the challenge goal, the facility must set a goal to reduce the selected discharges by at least 15% actual basis and beyond required levels. Thus, the "Future" quantity on line 3c of the Performance Track application must be at least 15% lower than the "Baseline" quantity. Under Question 4 of the application, the facility should select "Absolute Goal."

The facility should be as specific as possible about compounds or agents being discharged that are part of the Challenge Goal. For example, if a facility proposes to set a goal to reduce discharge of a heavy metal, the metal should be identified in the text box. The facility should contact its State TMDL writer for the most recent information.

Hazardous Materials - Priority Chemicals
EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response is offering a Priority Chemical reduction challenge. A facility may make a challenge goal by committing to at least a 10% decrease (before normalizing) in the use of at least one of the Priority Chemicals listed below, as identified by EPA's Office of Solid Waste. The priority chemical should be essential to the facility's operations. Performance Track will consult with the Office of Solid Waste's National Partnership for Environmental Priorities Program should the significance of the goal be in question.

In order to participate in this challenge goal, a facility must select Materials Use as the category and Hazardous Materials Used as the indicator and answer "yes" to Question 2a. Next, a facility should click on the "Priority Chemicals List" link. A table will appear where a facility should select the chemical(s) to be reduced by checking the appropriate box(es), and then pressing the save button. The selected priority chemicals will appear as the response to the sub-question under Question 2a. In order to receive credit for the challenge goal, the facility must commit to reducing its use of the priority chemical by at least 10% before normalizing (i.e., check "Absolute Goal" in Question 4). Thus, the "Future" quantity must be at least 10% less than the "Baseline" quantity.

Eligible Priority Chemicals*

Organic Chemicals and Chemical Compounds

Metals and Metal Compounds

* Although Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are on EPA's Priority Chemicals list, they are not included in this challenge goal due to prohibitions on their manufacture, processing, and distribution in commerce.

EPA's Priority Chemicals list is available at:


Under this national challenge goal, facilities are challenged to enhance or restore at least 10 acres of land through a habitat improvement plan. The enhancement or restoration may take place within the facility's fenceline, off-site, or a combination of both, as long as the improvement activities enhance or restore wildlife habitat. This is accomplished by ensuring adequate and appropriate sources of food, water, shelter and space, involving activities such as introducing native plant species, removing exotic and invasive plants or animals, creating riparian buffers, providing nesting habitat, and/or other such projects.

Members setting a National Habitat Challenge goal must also develop a habitat improvement plan and receive written third-party assessment and on-site review of the plan. If the third-party review has been completed prior to selecting the habitat challenge goal, it must have taken place within the three years prior to application. If a plan has not been developed and assessed at time of setting this goal, it must be completed by the time the first annual performance report is submitted. An educational outreach component to this goal is encouraged, but not required.

Please read the National Habitat Challenge goal page for more details.

To set a challenge goal to conducting a restoration or habitat improvement project, an applicant should select Land and Habitat as the category and select Land and Habitat Conservation as the indicator. The difference between the “Baseline” quantity and the “Future” quantity should represent 10 acres or greater. Interested facilities are encouraged to contact their local habitat, watershed or wildlife organization in advance of submitting their application in order to ensure that the project will meet the criteria established by those organizations and the Performance Track Habitat Challenge Goal criteria.

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