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EF/FRS LogoProgram System Definitions


AIR Facility System (AFS)

AFS contains compliance and permit data for stationary sources of air pollution regulated by the EPA, State, and Local air pollution agencies.

Additional sources of information:

Air Quality System (AQS)

AQS contains ambient air pollution data collected by EPA, State, Local, and Tribal air pollution control agencies from thousands of monitoring stations.

Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES)

ACRES stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions.

Arizona Unified Repository for Informational Tracking of The Environment (AZURITE)

AZURITE is the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) database that is used for environmental enforcement and compliance reporting to the Permit and Compliance (PCS) system and to the Air Facility System Universal Interface (AFS-UI).

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

BRAC is a process used to close excess military installations and realign the total asset inventory in order to save money on operations and maintenance.

Brownfields Management System (BMS)

BMS stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding.

Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian School (BIA INDIAN SCHOOL)

BIA Indian schools, which are located on Indian Land, collected by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).  BIA is responsible for the administration and management of 55.7 million acres of land held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives.  BIA provides education services to approximately 48,000 Indian students.

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California - Department of Toxic Substances Control-EnviroStor System (DTSC-EnviroStor)

DTSC EnviroStor is an online search and Geographic Information System (GIS) tool for identifying sites that have known contamination or sites for which there may be reasons to investigate further. The EnviroStor database includes the following site types: Federal Superfund sites (National Priorities List (NPL)); State Response, including Military Facilities and State Superfund; Voluntary Cleanup; and School sites.

California - Hazardous Waste Tracking System - Datamart (HWTS-DATAMART)

HWTS-DATAMART provides California with information on hazardous waste shipments for generators, transporters, and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities.

California - Solid Waste Information System (CASWIS)

The CASWIS database contains information on solid waste facilities, operations, and disposal sites throughout the State of California. The types of facilities found in this database include landfills, transfer stations, material recovery facilities, composting sites, transformation facilities, waste tire sites, and closed disposal sites. For each facility, the database contains information about location, owner, operator, facility type, regulatory and operational status, authorized waste types, and local enforcement agency.

California - Used Oil Recycling System (UORS)

The UORS is managed by the California Waste Management Board (CIWMB). The CIWMB helps communities establish and promote convenient collection opportunities for used oil and used oil filters.

Cherokee Nation Facility Registry System (CNFRS)

CNFRS is a data flow system that validates existing FRS data and exchanges data about open tribal dump sites in the Cherokee Nation.

Clean Air Markets Division Business System (CAMDBS)

CAMDBS is a national information system that supports the implementation of market-based air pollution control programs administered by the Clean Air Markets Division, within the Office of Air and Radiation. These programs include the Acid Rain Program, established by Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, and regional programs designed to reduce the transport of ozone. These emissions trading programs allow regulated facilities (primarily electric utilities) to adopt the most cost-effective strategies to reduce emissions at their units.  Additional information on the programs is available on the Clean Air Markets site.

Colorado (ECOMAP)

ECOMAP, Colorado's web-based facility master database, managed by the Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) allows environmental program managers to edit their facility locations and allows users to view this information read-only.

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS)

CERCLIS is EPA’s inventory of abandoned, inactive, or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites regulated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).  It records information about all aspects of hazardous waste sites from initial discovery to listing on the National Priorities List (NPL).

Additional sources of information:

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Connecticut - Site Information Management System (SIMS)

The SIMS system is part of a suite of web-based applications designed to allow the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) staff to harmonize environmental interest information from disparate systems in a single agency-wide data repository (known as CFI). SIMS provides tools for identifying and resolving duplicate data, querying data (using both tabular and geospatial methods), and viewing/maintaining documents associated to the data.

Emissions & Generation Resource Database (EGRID)

The EGRID contains data on emissions and resource mix for virtually every power plant and company that generates electricity in the United States.

Enforcement Criminal Records Management System (ECRM)

The ECRM, now called the Criminal Case Reporting System (CCRS), is the Criminal Investigation Division's (CID) "official record" of all criminal investigation activities. The system maintains and tracks case-specific program and investigative information on over 8,200 active and archived criminal cases. CCRS is an EPA-only system and data entry is performed directly by CID employees. The Public is allowed to obtain only select defendant data fields for closed, convicted cases via the Freedom of Information Act.

Environmental Protection Computer System (MA-EPICS)

The MA-EPICS is the central repository for all environmental protection data for the State of Massachusetts.

Facility Response Plan (FRP)

The FRP contains plans for responding, to the maximum extent practical, to worst case discharges of oil.

Florida - Fiesta Data Maintenance (FDM)

The Florida Environmental System Today Application (FIESTA) Data Maintenance (FDM) system maintains entity, environmental interest and affiliation data for the State of Florida.

Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)

GNIS is the official vehicle for geographic names used by the federal government and the source for applying geographic names to federal maps and other printed and electronic documents.

Georgia - Geographic Environmental Information Management System (GEIMS)

Georgia's GEIMS provides the EPA and the public a single point of access to core data for all facilities and sites regulated or monitored by the EPA and a single system for the reporting of all environmental data for the State of Georgia.

Hawaii - Environmental Compliance Program (HI-ECS)

The HI-ECS supports the Hawaii state regulatory program relating to environmental compliance and hazardous materials, which ensures that program areas and facilities are in compliance with environmental regulations.

Hawaii - Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response (HEER-FRS)

The HEER-FRS system maintains basic information for facility/sites of interest to state of Hawaii, Department of Health, Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response. It is used to index sites for hardcopy file retrieval and to present limited site status information. The environmental interests included are: release assessments, TRI reporters, EPCRA filers, RMP reporters and long term types of site investigations such as environmental cleanup study areas, state cleanup sites, Superfund NPL sites, voluntary clean up programs and Brownfields Pilot/Grants, properties, sites and targeted assessments.

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Hawaii - Office of Solid Waste (HI-SW)

The HI-SW coordinates a Hawaii statewide P2 workgroup to enhance information sharing regarding solid waste.

Hawaii - Underground Storage Tank (HI-UST)

The Hawaii UST system supports the Underground Storage Tank Program, which regulates underground storage tanks storing petroleum or hazardous substances and offers documents and data products for downloading.

Illinois - Agency Compliance and Enforcement System (ACES)

The ACES supports the compliance and enforcement activities that exist primarily within the Illinois Bureaus of Air, Water, and Land, the Division of Legal Counsel, and the Office of Chemical Safety. The intent of the system is to track compliance and enforcement processes and to share the information throughout the agency, the public and with other entities.

Indiana - Facility Registry System (IN-FRS)

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) implemented the IN-FRS, which provides the interface and processes to link facility data monitored by multiple State and EPA program systems. In addition, IN-FRS enables IDEM to reconcile environmental data and exchange it with EPA FRS using the electronic data exchange over the Network Node.

Industrial Siting Division (ISD)

The ISD administers the Wyoming Industrial Information and Siting Act, which requires permits for all projects with construction costs of $168 million or more and for certain business types regardless of cost. This includes waste incineration or disposal facilities capable of receiving greater than 500 short tons per day of household refuse or mixed household and industrial refuse, commercial facilities which incinerate or dispose of regulated quantities of hazardous wastes subject to hazardous waste shipping manifest requirements under subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and commercial radioactive waste management facilities.

Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS)

ICIS provides a database that, when complete, will contain enforcement and compliance information across most of EPA's programs. The vision for ICIS is to replace EPA's independent databases that contain enforcement data with a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions and a subset of the Permit Compliance System (PCS), which supports the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). This information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and at Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will completely replace PCS and will integrate that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also has the capability to track other activities that support compliance and enforcement programs, including incident tracking, compliance assistance, and compliance monitoring.

Inventory Update Reporting (IUR)

The 2006 IUR includes information about chemicals manufactured or imported in quantities of 25,000 pounds or more at a single site during calendar year 2005. In addition to the basic manufacturing information collected in previous reporting cycles, the 2006 cycle is the first time EPA collected information to characterize exposure during manufacturing, processing and use of organic chemicals. The 2006 cycle also is the first time manufacturers of inorganic chemicals were required to report basic manufacturing information. The purpose of the IUR program is to collect quality screening-level, exposure-related information on chemical substances. The IUR data are used to support risk screening, assessment, priority setting and management.

Iowa - Department Of Natural Resources - Emission Factor Documentation (IDNR_EFD)

The IDNR_EFD system provides information about existing emission factors.

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Kansas - Facility Profiler (KS-FP)

The KS-FP is a geographically-based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). It has in excess of twenty environmental interests which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on current operations and activities.

Maine - Environmental Facility Information System (ME-EFIS)

The ME-EFIS, managed by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), integrates information on environmental facilities, permits, violations, enforcement actions, and compliance activities needed to support regulatory requirements and target environmental quality improvements for the water, air, solid waste, and hazardous waste program areas.

Maryland - Environmental Permit Service Center (MD-EPSC)

The MD-EPSC, managed by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), promotes multi-media pollution prevention and provides permit assistance to business and industry. An online permit guide is available and lists all permits, licenses and approvals that are issued by MDE.

Maryland - Permanent (Air) Emission (MD-PEMIS)

The MD-PEMIS, managed by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), is a database to house data related to Air Emissions.

Maryland - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (MD-RCRA)

The MD-RCRA is Maryland’s database which houses state information relating to hazardous waste regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Minnesota - Permitting, Compliance, And Enforcement Information Management System (MN-DELTA)

The MN-DELTA is the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) permitting, compliance, and enforcement information management system, which facilitates the issuance of permits and manages compliance.

Mississippi - Tools for Environmental Management and Protection Organizations (MS-ENSITE)

MS-ENSITE, maintained by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), Office of Pollution Control (OPC), is an electronic Environmental Site Information System that regulates compliance assurance, permitting, activity tracking, and maintenance of a single agency interest-link to master file.

Missouri - Department Of Natural Resources (MO-DNR)

The MO-DNR includes a Resource Assessment and Monitoring Program, biological criteria development, monitoring of targeted sites to determine compliance with the designated use of aquatic life protection in the standards, monitoring for 303(3) purposes, and the development of a stream classification framework.

Montana - Consolidated Environmental Data Acquisition and Retrieval System (MT-CEDARS)

The MT-CEDARS is the Montana Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) consolidated system that allows facilities throughout the state to quickly and easily report daily air and water quality data.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

The NCES is the primary federal database for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the United States and other Nations. It is located in the U.S. Department of Education, within the Institute of Education Sciences.

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National Compliance Data Base (NCDB)

NCDB supports implementation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The system tracks inspections in regions and states with cooperative agreements, enforcement actions, and settlements.

National Emissions Inventory (NEI)

NEI contains information on stationary and mobile sources that emit criteria air pollutants and their precursors, as well as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

The NPDES module of the Compliance Information System (ICIS) tracks surface water permits issued under the Clean Water Act. Under NPDES, all facilities that discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the United States are required to obtain a permit. The permit will likely contain limits on what can be discharged, impose monitoring and reporting requirements, and include other provisions to ensure that the discharge does not adversely affect water quality.

Navajo Nation Environmental Management System (NNEMS)

The NNEMS contains facility information for the Navajo Nation.

Nebraska - Information System (NE-IIS)

The NE-IIS, managed by Nebraska’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), maintains EPA's facility files.

Nevada Facility Profile (NV-FP)

The NV-FP system contains facility based, integrated environmental information for the State of Nevada.

New Hampshire - Department of Environmental Services (NH-DES)

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) ensures high levels of water quality for water supplies, regulates the emissions of air pollutants, and fosters the proper management of municipal and industrial waste.

New Jersey - New Jersey Environmental Management System (NJ-NJEMS)

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) maintains NJEMS, an system that manages large databases of environmental information.

New Mexico - Tools for Environmental Management and Protection Organizations (NM-TEMPO)

NM-TEMPO is New Mexico’s environmental management system.

New York - Facility Information System (FIS)

The FIS, managed by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), houses all information about facilities that are regulated or of environmental interest to the state of New York.

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North Carolina - Facility Identification Template For States (NC-FITS)

The NC-FITS, managed by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), provides a common facility identifier to improve accessibility to comprehensive information about environmental regulated entities in the state of North Carolina.

North Dakota - Facility Profile (ND-FP)

The ND-FP contains facility based, environmental information for the State of North Dakota.

Ohio - Core (OH-CORE)

The OH-CORE database contains information commonly shared among the Ohio EPA environmental programs. The information is facility-based, general in nature, and used to support specific programmatic systems while simultaneously maintaining an inventory of common facility-related data. Specific programmatic details are maintained in programmatic databases.

Oklahoma - Facility Management System (OK-FMS)

The OK-FMS is an Oklahoma State application, used primarily by the Land Protection Division, and secondarily by the Water Quality Division, to track environmental compliance activities.

Oregon - Department of Environmental Quality (OR-DEQ)

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is a regulatory agency whose job is to protect the quality of Oregon's Environment. DEQ uses a combination of technical assistance, inspections and permitting to help public and private facilities and citizens understand and comply with state and federal environmental regulations.

Pennsylvania – Environmental, Facility, Application, and Compliance Tracking System (PA-EFACTS)

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) eFACTS is a Department-wide database that provides a holistic view of clients and sites (including facilities) that DEP regulates.

Permit Compliance System (PCS)

PCS is a computerized management information system that tracks National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) surface water permits issued under the Clean Water Act. PCS tracks the permit, compliance, and enforcement status of NPDES facilities. This system is being incrementally replaced by the NPDES module of ICIS.

Additional sources of information:

Permit Data System (PDS)

PDS is an Arkansas system maintaining data on air quality, mining, tires, solid waste, tank, water and hazardous waste, as well as inspections, invoicing and complaints.

Permit Tracking

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Permit Tracking system provides data entry, retrieval and accounting functions and includes general data about facilities, their ADEM permits, and fees owed and paid.

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RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC)

The RBLC database contains case-specific information on the "Best Available" air pollution technologies that have been required to reduce the emission of air pollutants from stationary sources (e.g., power plants, steel mills, chemical plants, etc.).  RACT, or Reasonably Available Control Technology, is required on existing sources in areas that are not meeting national ambient air quality standards. BACT, or Best Available Control Technology, is required on major new or modified sources in clean areas. LAER, or Lowest Achievable Emission Rate, is required on major new or modified sources in non-attainment areas.

Radiation Information Database (RADINFO)

RADINFO contains basic information about certain facilities that the EPA regulates for radiation and radioactivity.

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)

The RFS Program encourages the blending of renewable fuels into our nation's motor vehicle fuel by establishing annual renewable fuel standards, responsibilities of refiners and other fuel producers, a trading system and other compliance mechanisms, and recordkeeping and reporting requirements. In addition to the rule, EPA has published a Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA), which contains analyses of the economic and environmental impacts of the expanded use of renewable fuels under this program. A renewable fuel is defined as a motor vehicle fuel that is produced from plant or animal products or wastes, as opposed to fossil fuel sources. Renewable fuels include ethanol, biodiesel and other motor vehicle fuels made from renewable sources. Currently, FRS only includes facilities using ethanol fuels from the RFS registered facility list.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo)

RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984 through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. RCRAInfo also supports generation of the National Hazardous Waste Biennial Report. All generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities who handle hazardous waste are required to report to the EPA Administrator at least once every two years to support creation of the Biennial Report.

Additional sources of information:

Rhode Island - Permits, Licenses and Other Vital Environmental Records (RI-PLOVER)

The RI-PLOVER is the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management’s regulatory programs’ information management system.

Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

SDWIS contains information about public water systems and their violations of EPA's regulations for safe drinking water.

Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Environmental Management System (SRPMICEMS)

The SRPMICEMS contains facility information for the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.

Section Seven Tracking System (SSTS)

SSTS tracks the registration of all pesticide-producing establishments and tracks annually the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients, and related devices that are produced, sold, or distributed.

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South Carolina - Environmental Facility Information System (SC-EFIS)

The SC-EFIS is the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) Environmental Facility Information System that integrates information on environmental facilities, permits, violations, enforcement actions, and compliance activities needed to support regulatory requirements and target environmental quality improvements for the water, air, solid waste, and hazardous waste program areas.

State Environmental Programs (STATE)

The STATE system acronym is used for facilities entered manually through the FRS Linkage Application, used primarily by State users for a variety of state programs.

Texas - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Agency Central Registry (TX-TCEQ ACR)

The TX-TCEQ ACR is a computer application that allows the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to use a single, centralized area to record common information, such as the company names, addresses, and telephone numbers of those the TCEQ regulates. It also contains additional IDs (permits, registrations, authorizations, etc) and their status.

Toxics Release Inventory System (TRIS)

TRIS is a publicly available EPA database reported annually by certain covered industry groups, as well as federal facilities. It contains information about more than 650 toxic chemicals that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment, and includes information about waste management and pollution prevention activities.

Additional sources of information:

Underground Storage Tank (UST)

UST is a State of Tennessee system for managing information on underground storage tanks and any underground piping connected to the tanks that have at least 10 percent of its combined volume underground.

Utah - Common Identifier Mechanism (CIM)

The CIM is the Utah Department of Environmental Quality’s (UDEQ) data system for compliance and permitting data.

Virginia - Comprehensive Environmental Data System (CEDS)

The CEDS is the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) electronic data system for maintaining data on sources of pollutants in all media.

Washington - Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS)

The WA-FSIS provides a means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water Quality Programs.

Wisconsin - Environmental System Registry (WI-ESR)

The WI-ESR is a database that contains core information about facilities, organizations, and people related to Wisconsin's DNR (Department of Natural Resources).

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