The Great Shakeout - Allan Renazco Interview

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Interviewer:  Allan, how are you connected to the USGS’ ShakeOut earthquake scenario?

Allan Renazco:  We utilize this scenario to basically develop our plan for how we would react just in case such a scenario should occur.

Interviewer:  How do you specifically use this science?  How are you applying that to your work?

Allan Renazco:  In reaction to what buildings would go down, what lifelines would be cut, it allows planners to basically utilize it in how the reaction would start if certain buildings are fortified, have been rebuilt since the last significant earthquake.  It allows us basically to push that to the side and focus on the other areas that are going to require more assistance.


Interviewer:  So what does it mean to you that this is based on real science and real research?

Allan Renazco:  It allows you to get a real feel for what may occur in reality.  As of right now, you just look and go, “I hope that doesn’t happen.”  But when you really look at the numbers of buildings had been refortified, had been rebuilt, it allows you to look with a clear view as to what you’ll be doing.


Interviewer:  So have you been involved in an effort like this before?  Is there something unique about the ShakeOut for you as far as an exercise planning scenario?

Allan Renazco:  This is my first time doing any kind of domestic operation like this.  I have of course been overseas and seen different things on that side but never a scenario like this or never with this amount of planning and this amount of science applied to it.


Interviewer:  So who are some of the different agencies and offices that you’ve ended up working with as a result of this?

Allan Renazco:  FEMA, Department of Defense, Army North Command as well as in the state, there was the Emergency Responders, Office of Homeland Security, Office of Emergency Services; all involved using the same scenario.


Interviewer:  So for you, what are you most proud of or excited about the ShakeOut?

Allan Renazco:  Again, when you look at the area as gray and you really don’t know what you would be doing, it’s good to actually put a number to the black and white of what you’ll be attacking.  So from a military perspective, you like to know as much as you can before your get into it than after the fact.

Interviewer:  Well, thank you very much.  I appreciate your time.

Allan Renazco:  Thank you.