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Superfund Videos

Below is the catalog of Region 4's Superfund videos. Click on the links for the video you are inrested in to view or download the video on your computer using your Windows Media Player. Use the navigation tools below the viewing screen to view online. Additional Superfund-related videos will be highlighted as they are made available on this website.

Video Catalog
Picture of EPA Project Manager with Escambia site in the background

Escambia Wood Preserving: Escambia Project Manager, Erik Spalvins, talked about how EPA has worked to take into account the local community's concerns in the clean up process...

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Picture of US EPA Remedial Project Manager Brian Farrier

Brunswick Wood Preserving: This video highlights cleanup activities at the Brunswick Wood Preserving Site in Georgia...

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Picture of Cabot/Koppers Video

Cabot/Koppers: This video highlights cleanup activities at the Cabot/Koppers Site in Florida...

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For information about the contents of this page please contact Richard Hammond.

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