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Region 4 Air Permits

NSR Permits - Title V Permits - Part 70 Objections - Part 71 Permit - Program Evaluations - National Permit Initiatives

New Source Review (NSR) Construction Permit Program Skip NSR links.  Go to Title V area

View Recent PSD Permit Applications Received by Region 4



Download the National Combustion Turbine Spreadsheet maintained by Region 4 staff:

Download the National Coal-Fired Utility Projects Spreadsheet found on Region 7's NSR Webpage and maintained by Region 7 staff:

* Please note that Region 4 is not responsible for the accuracy of the data provided by other Regional offices. For further information regarding information outside Region 4, please contact the NSR staff of the appropriate EPA Regional office.

Title V Operating Permits Program

View Recent Title V Proposed Permits Received by Region 4



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Title V and NSR Final Progam Evaluations

Download Region 4's Final Reports in PDF format...
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1st Round of Program Evaluations
2nd Round of Program Evaluations


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Part 70 Objection LettersSkip navigation links.  Go to end of page

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Part 71 Permits

LG & E Part 71 Permit - Issued on 9/29/04

Valspar Part 71 Permit Application Request (7/22/07)

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National Permit InitiativesSkip Other Permit Initiatives.  Go to Correspondence

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For information about the contents of this page please contact Katy Forney

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