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Southest Natural Resources Leaders Group (SENRLG) Exiting EPA - Entering National Park Service Site Exiting EPA - Entering Tennessee Valley Authority Site Exiting EPA - Entering USDA Forest Service Site Exiting EPA - Entering Fish and Wildlife Serives Site Exiting EPA - Entering  Bureau of Land Management Site Exiting EPA - Entering US Army Environmental Center Site Exiting EPA - Entering National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Regional Office Site US Environmental Protection Agency Exiting EPA - Entering Department of Transportation Site Exiting EPA - Entering US Geological Survey Site Exiting EPA - Entering US Army Corps of Engineers Site Exiting EPA - Going to Natural Resources Conservation Service Site

The Southeast Natural Resource Leaders Group (SENRLG) is a collaboration of regional Federal executives who lead agencies with natural resource conservation as part of their mission. The members are committed to the common purpose of fulfilling agency mandates in ways that promote conservation and restoration of important natural resources, wise management and sound stewardship of natural, biological and cultural resources, and ecologically sustainable development.


The general goals of the SENRLG Partnership are to: (1) establish and nurture collaborative interagency relationships that lead to sustainable healthy ecosystems, wise economic growth, and preservation of cultural values across the Southeast; (2) focus agency programs and resources toward collaborative initiatives that enhance and protect natural resources and educate citizens on their importance; and, (3) communicate cooperative accomplishments that emphasize the ecological, cultural and economic values and needs of the Southeast.


The Principals of SENRLG are Federal executives who head their respective agencies’ regional offices in the Southeast. Membership is documented in an Interagency Cooperative Agreement, which also establishes appropriate mechanisms to support cooperative interagency initiatives. Each member agency is represented by its signatory regional executive (Principal). The Cooperative Agreement may be updated as necessary to reflect changes in Principals, the addition of new members, or other appropriate adjustments. The SENRLG operates with a rotating Chair, selected annually from among the members.


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