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Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE)

Table in a Bag & Other Products

Table in a Bag & Other Products / 123 OnDemand Corporation

Product Description: 123 OnDemand has been designing, manufacturing, and wholesaling products for the past 10 years. We do not sell to the public. We are proud of some of our patents such as: Table in a Bag, Futbol (practice soccer ball), Women's Lingerie, Outdoor String Lighting, and Sporting Goods. Each product is individually design for the consumer. Our successful designs and product quality have been the hallmark of our success. Please visit our website at to learn more about us.

Product URL:

Company: [External link]123 OnDemand Corporation — Laguna Beach, CA

Objective: Objective: We are seeking both distributors as well as inquiries from potential buyers for direct sales.

Commercial Service Contact

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