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energy sector

Across Western, Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in Eurasia, export and investment opportunities abound for U.S. firms, both large and small.  The EU’s energy sector is far more developed and liberalized than the other regions within greater Europe.  At the same time, the EU is increasingly enacting pro-renewable energy legislation designed to increase its own share of overall energy consumption within its borders; this again presents excellent opportunities for American firms.  In addition to Wind Energy, Biomass, Solar, Wave Energy and Geothermal Energy, biofuels are becoming important to create environment-friendly atmosphere.  Biodiesel, biogas and other bio fuel technologies and investments are strongly encouraged within entire Europe.

In Central and Eastern Europe, many power-generation, transmission and distribution assets are in direct need of upgrading to meet safety and environmental standards.  Additionally, these countries, which have traditionally relied on a single source of fuel for their power generation needs, are now trying to diversify their supply in order to guarantee energy security.  As many of these countries wish to accede to the EU, they will need to comply with EU standards, which require that they increase the use of renewable energy sources, upgrade existing facilities, and prepare for privatization and liberalization.  This will entail the investment of billions of dollars in the energy sector over the coming years.  Since many of these countries lack local funding sources, most will require significant amounts of foreign financing and foreign direct investment to achieve these objectives.

In the Eurasian countries, billions of dollars of procurements in oil and gas exploration, production, refining and transportation, backed by blue-chip international oil consortia, are expected to create major opportunities between the years 2007-2010.  In turn, this presents major export opportunities for U.S. firms – whether small, medium or large.  In directly related sub-sectors such as oil and gas field service equipment, offshore and onshore oil & gas exploration, multi-country oil & gas pipelines, refineries, natural gas storage, LNG & CNG facilities, biodiesel, biogas, and SCADA systems, as well as indirectly related sectors such as compressors, road construction, heavy earth moving equipment, health, safety and environment, telecommunications, and information technologies, U.S. firms and their highly sought-after products and services will find themselves to be very competitive

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