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(Communities Against Violence Network)
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Last Updated: 24 September 2008

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An International Network of Anti-Violence Experts and Advocates
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How to Join CAVNET (Thursday, January 4, 2007)

"Your list is by far the best list on sexual violence anywhere."...Charlene Smith, Johannesburg, South Africa

Founded in 1996 by the former Special Counsel to the Office on Violence Against Women at the Justice Department, and his wife, CAVNET has become the go-to resource for those seeking to collaborate with others to address violence against women and crime victims with disabilities.

Joining CAVNET is easy, and fast, if you qualify. And it costs only pennies a day ($1 a week). Our members are experts in violence against women, child abuse, human rights, violence against people with disabilities, and many other areas set forth in our issues directory.

Members include experts, researchers,and practitioners from all over the world, collaborating across a wide range of disciplines. Members include researchers, shelter staff, rape crisis workers, prosecutors, coalitions, national organizations, child abuse experts, elder abuse experts, experts in violence against women, experts in violence against people with disabilities, clergy, members of law enforcement, and many others.

We are always looking for new members, to enhance our ability to share information and resources, and to identify cutting edge information and share it.

Bonnie Campbell, former Director of the Office On Violence Against Women at the Justice Department:

"CAVNET has shown itself to be the premier online database concerning violence against women.... Not only does CAVNET provide timely and substantive research online, it does so in a way that saves time and resources. The busier you are, the more valuable it is. Founded and operated by Marc Dubin, my former Special Counsel, CAVNET is like having a research team of experts, available night and day... As former Director of the Office on Violence Against Women at the Justice Department, I'm proud to be on CAVNET's Board of Directors, and grateful for the resource...."

In addition to participation in the international, invitation-only/application-only listserv, membership also gains you enhanced access to our comprehensive online database, built and used by experts. In addition, CAVNET also operates the only national listserv addressing interpersonal violence against indigenous women (CAVNET-IW), co-moderated by Native American lawyer Sarah Deer, an expert in violence against indigenous women.

Apply online, and join us in this important effort to address violence against women.

Comment from a CAVNET Member (Wednesday, December 27, 2006)

"What in the world did we EVER do before CAVNET? As a resource, CAVNET is the most comprehensive, up-to-date and cutting edge source of respected and legitimate domestic violence information. The debate and open forum of CAVNET invites all players to participate and learn from our national leaders in the field. It is an incredible opportunity for everyone." Coleen Widell, American Institute on Domestic Violence

Apply to Join CAVNET , and Network with a World of Expertise (Saturday, February 26, 2005)

Membership in CAVNET can save you time and connect you to the best individuals and organizations addressing violence against women in the world, as well as provide you access to one of the most comprehensive online databases in the world, built and used by experts. We have participants who are the preeminent experts in the field - researchers, practitioners, clergy, judges, lawyers, health care professionals, prosecutors, law enforcement, advocates, and many others. Our membership is diverse, with experts in domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, incest, stalking, crime victims with disabilities, child welfare, international human rights, and many other areas affecting women and children. Membership costs only $1 a week.

Nancy E. O'Malley, Chief Assistant District Attorney, Alameda County District Attorney's Office Oakland, California:

"Through the incredible level of networking, including the support and participation of people from around the country, CAVNET has become the premier listserv on violence against women issues. Through CAVNET, expeditious legal research is extensive and broad based. Important social and political dialogue is fostered, which allows us to continue to examine what we as a country, we in the different states and local communities are doing to respond to violence against women. These social and political conversations have empowered those of us working in this field, as well as those experiencing violence as part of their lives, to implement effective change with the hope and belief that some day, we will bring an end violence against women. Without CAVNET, these national conversations simply would not occur. CAVNET has brought together such a powerful, broad and eclectic group who, by a touch of the keyboard, can be current with the issues and have a national voice. It is those individuals participating in CAVNET who can and will create a world free of violence against women."

Robert J. Martin, Vice President & Managing Principal, MOSAIC Threat Assessment Systems, Gavin de Becker & Associates:

"In addition to the volumes of material available and the networking, CAVNET also provides access to many of the world's leading experts who offer their advice and counsel FOR FREE. There are many consultants, advisors, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc., on this list who charge hundreds of dollars an hour for the same advice you can get via CAVNET..."

To apply to join, just fill out the online application.

We look forward to reviewing your application.

Comments from CAVNET Members (Friday, December 3, 2004)

"You have really developed CAVNET into a world-class resource for domestic violence, sexual assault and disability issues. I will continue to refer research queries to CAVNET. Nothing else is so comprehensive and varied." Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Catonsville, MD

"Timely and accurate information is crucial to violence prevention, and in our effort to educate about the relatively invisible topic of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) domestic violence, there is no better online database than that found on CAVNET. We rely on CAVNET to bring us valuable information and to disseminate our work to experts, advocates, and the public in a way no one else can. We are proud to be part of CAVNET's international network of content providers and participants, and recommend it without hesitation." Susan Holt, Program Manager STOP Partner Abuse/Domestic Violence Program L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center

Comments from CAVNET Members (Saturday, March 20, 2004)

"I love receiving your CAVNET emails. I love the constant input of pertinent information - and the feeling of connectedness with others who do the work and are willing to share their expertise and insight." -- Advocate for Interval House, a domestic violence program based in Hartford CT.

"CAVNET is an incredible resource. Thank you so much for putting this together! We have been looking for information on training for law enforcement officers on domestic violence within same-sex relationships, and I found far more on your site in just a few minutes than I have found in quite a few weeks of blindly searching on the web."  Catherine M. Wilson Director, Victim/Witness Division St. Joseph County Prosecutor's Office, South Bend, Indiana

"CAVNET gives me a wide variety of viewpoints from activist to academic to government as well as a rich treasure trove of ideas for enhancing or creating projects to reduce violence against women....The single most useful reference point for domestic violence and sexual assault.... I deeply appreciate the vision and commitment that underlie its creation." -- Nancy M. Ryan, Executive Director Cambridge Women's Commission.

"Grass roots advocacy is at the heart of what we do at the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. We recognize the value of educating the public and policy makers about this epidemic. CAVNET has been a resource like no other - an extraordinary online database of information on violence against women and an online network of experts and advocates from around the world, collaborating across disciplines. ... I am pleased to be on CAVNET's Board of Directors and urge everyone to take advantage of this amazing resource." Rita Smith, Executive Director, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)

Apply to join today. You will have access to an international network of experts and advocates addressing violence against women and crime victims with disabilities, be able to add content to the online database, subject to approval, and access nonpublic areas of the online database.

Lifetime Television Partners With CAVNET (Thursday, March 4, 2004)
Lifetime Television
We would like to thank Lifetime Television for honoring CAVNET by naming us as a partner in their Stop Violence Against Women Campaign. It is an honor to be associated with such a fine organization working to end violence against women.

How a Survivor Used CAVNET (Wednesday, February 25, 2004)

Dear Marc: I just wanted to thank you for CAVNET. Over the past few months it has become an unbelievable resource for me in several areas of my life....One of the most important results of CAVNET is the empowerment I have found... I live in a very rural area of New Mexico - cut off from many of the resources that are found in the more metropolitan areas. CAVNET has given me the resources and the contacts that I would not otherwise have access to.

Let me give you an example of how CAVNET has personally helped me. I was being stalked by an individual who later was caught, incarcerated, and ended up taking his own life. I live alone and felt that I was cut off from help. I posted to the CAVNET listserv, and the information, resources, recommendations of books to read, personal experience, and legal advice was overwhelming. I had replies from counselors, police, authors, doctors, and many others. Most invaluable, I had advice from other survivors. I had the very tools I needed to accomplish what had to be done. I was able to follow the correct path in getting a restraining order, taking steps to keep myself safe, and doing things to prevent it from happening again. My fears were shared with others, and validated. I was also able to see that even though I had been left deaf and had a traumatic brain injury from past victimization, I am still able to become empowered to do what many others can.

I am so grateful that I can have these invaluable tools through the Internet. This is about the only way that they will be available to me. The disability community in New Mexico applauds you for CAVNET. I am extremely grateful for the help in my own situation. Another life saved and ready to help another do the same.

– Survivor

Comment About CAVNET From Amnesty International's Women's Human Rights Program (Tuesday, January 20, 2004)

"Amnesty International USA's Women's Human Rights Program has found CAVNET to be an invaluable resource as we learn about the longstanding and current work of US organizations and lawyers working to stop violence against women and also as a way to communicate with this network about what AI and AIUSA are doing on violence against women as a human rights violation. We look forward to many more years of excellence from CAVNET."

Sheila Dauer, Director Women's Human Rights Program Amnesty International USA

Ms. Foundation funds CAVNET (Sunday, March 16, 2003)

CAVNET is funded in part by a grant from the Ms. Foundation. Your contributions are tax-deductible and may be made by credit card online. The Ms. Foundation for Women is the country's only national, multi-issue public women's fund. Ms. funds and assists women's self-help organizing efforts, and pursue changes in public consciousness, law, philanthropy, and social policy. This funding assists CAVNET with our ongoing efforts to collect and disseminate information and enhances our services to an international network of experts and advocates.

Ms. Foundation For Women:

"CAVNET was created in 1997 with no financial resources, but a clear determination to develop and share anti-violence resources among experts, advocates, advocacy organizations, and survivors. CAVNET...allows experts and advocates to debate issues related to violence...., providing subscribers with a way to collaboratively address violence against women and children. Through its work, CAVNET positions groups nationally and globally to receive information and respond instantaneously."

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