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One Just World: Human Trafficking and World Poverty

6 May, 2009: Human trafficking and slavery are problems of global proportions, driven by poverty, unsafe migration and the neglect of human rights standards. This issue will be discussed at the next One Just World forum, a free seminar sponsored by AusAID, World Vision and the International Women's Development Agency.

Developing a Deployable Civilian Capacity for Australia

1 May, 2009: Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced the Australian Government will develop a Deployable Civilian Capacity to respond to stabilisation and reconstruction efforts in our region.

Intensifying the Response: Halting the Spread of HIV

7 April, 2009: Australia’s New International Development Strategy for HIV, Intensifying the Response: Halting the Spread of HIV, was released by Minister Smith on World Health Day.

Remittance Website to Help Pacific Islanders

27 March, 2009: Pacific Islanders working in Australia and sending money home to their families will now be able to compare methods and costs, thanks to a new website.

Taskforce to Address Challenges of Meeting Health MDGs

26 March, 2009: An international taskforce is aiming to identify the challenges and costs of strengthening health systems, and locate new sources of finance to help developing countries achieve the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

AusAID's response to the Global Economic Crisis

How is the Global Economic Crisis (GEC) affecting developing countries and how will Australia's aid program respond? AusAID is working on a number of fronts to respond to the impact of this crisis on developing countries in our region.

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