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May is Mental Health Month

To commemorate Mental Health Month, the mental health advocacy community is providing the public with additional information and resources on mental health issues across the life span.  Mental Health America has launched a new website in conjunction with Mental Health Month entitled "Live Your Life WellSM."  

May 7 is National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, and co-sponsored by numerous mental health organizations. This year's theme is "Thriving in the Community."  For Awareness Day materials and information, click here

Older Americans' Mental Health Week is May 24-30 - an annual opportunity to spread the message that mental illness is not a normal part of aging. For more information and activities, click here.

Field Liaison Program Needs You!

Volunteers in SPAN USA's Field Liaison program are dedicated to educating their communities about suicide prevention, mobilizing grassroots support for policy change and serving as a resource for suicide survivors. SPAN USA is seeking new Field Liaisons to serve during the 111th Congress, January 2009 through December 2010. We look forward to building upon current relationships and fostering new ones. Applicants from all states and districts are welcome. To learn more about becoming a field liaison, contact Jason H. Padgett, Director of Commmunity and Grassroots Outreach.

Brochure for Military Families Available

The Suicide Prevention Action Network USA (SPAN USA) and TriWest Healthcare Alliance have recently created a new brochure to educate former and active members of the military and their families about warning signs of suicide and treatment options. Click here to view and download the brochure, Suicide Prevention for Military Families: What You Need to Know about Warning Signs and Getting Help. The brochure is also available for purchase (cost of shipping only) through the SPAN USA Marketplace.

Listen and Act to Prevent Suicide During the Economic Crisis

The current state of the economy is certainly weighing heavily on the minds of Americans and people around the world.  Media coverage of the economic crisis has included a wave of stories about an increase in the suicide rate, both nationally and internationally. Click here for a helpful resource from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).