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  1. To request a 30-day loan of any of the videotapes listed below, check the appropriate box(es) and then complete the mailing information at the bottom of this form.
  2. Videotapes are in VHS NTSC format (standard U.S. format).
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Antidegredation Policy: A Means to Maintain and Protect Existing Uses and Water Quality [length: 13 minutes]
EPA 823/V-90-003
Developing Site-Specific Criteria [length: 36 minutes]
EPA 823/V-95-001
Development of Biological Criteria for Use in Water Quality Standards
[length: 19 minutes]
EPA 823/V-92-003
Development of Water Quality Criteria and Its Relationship to Water Quality Standards
[length: 14 minutes]
EPA 823/V-99-002
Economic Considerations in Water Quality Standards [length: 14 minutes]
EPA 823/V-90-001
Enumeration Methods for Escheria coli and Enterococci [length: 29 minutes]
EPA 823/V-86-001
Introduction to Water Quality Standards [length: 13 minutes]
EPA 823/V-92-001
Sampling Ambient and Effluent Waters for Trace Metals [length: 20 minutes]
EPA 821/V-97-001
The Problem with Shallow Disposal Systems [length: 15 minutes]
EPA 816/V-97-001
TMDLs and Water Quality Standards [length: 21 minutes]
EPA 823/V-99-001
Water Quality Based Approach to Pollution Control [length: 15 minutes]
EPA 823/V-91-002
Water Quality Standards and 401 Certification [length: 15 minutes]
EPA 823/V-91-001
Water Quality Standards on Indian Lands [length: 18 minutes]
EPA 823/V-92-002
Wetlands Water Quality Standards [length: 28 minutes]
EPA 840/V-96-001
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