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Information Technology and Resources Management Division (ITRMD) Contacts

The Information Technology and Resources Management Division (ITRMD) is responsible for information support; Pesticides Public Regulatory Docket; records management; Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Section 6(a)(2) issues (adverse effects reporting); pesticide incident monitoring; the Web site; and the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC).

ITRMD is also responsible for the computer hardware and software support for the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP). Additionally, ITRMD manages OPP's budget and personnel.

Name E-Mail Phone Area of Responsibility
Immediate Office
Fax: 703-305-5512
Oscar Morales morales.oscar@epa.gov 703-305-5440 Director
Kate Bouve bouve.kate@epa.gov 703-305-5032 Associate Director
Jim Kearns kearns.jim@epa.gov 703-308-0420 Special Assistant
Alma Nugent nugent.alma@epa.gov 703-305-5440 Administrative Assistant
Enterprise, Planning, Policy & Oversight Staff (EPPOS)
Fax: 703-305-5512
Enterprise architecture, security, configuration management, and IT capital planning. Ensures compliance with federal mandates including FISMA reporting, eCPIC, Personal Identification Information, Privacy Act Information.
Dennis Gorres gorres.dennis@epa.gov 703-605-0564 Staff Chief
Felicia Croom croom.felicia@epa.gov 703-305-0786 Information Security Officer, FIFRA Security Officer
Arvella Farmer farmer.arvella@epa.gov 703-308-1843 FIFRA Security Officer
Derek David david.derek@epa.gov 703-305-6098 Enterprise Architecture (EA) & Capital Planning and Invesment Control (CPIC)
Customer Service and Computer Support Branch (CSCSB)
Fax: 703-305-5512
Network infrastructure services, network printers, Lotus Notes desktop administration, WebForms, hardware and software upgrades and maintenance. Also responsible for PC desktop configurations and Help-Desk operations
David Devere devere.david@epa.gov 703-308-8273 Branch Chief
Harry Winnik winnik.harry@epa.gov 703-305-7089 Team Leader, OPP LAN Team -
Network and Infrastructure Services
Faye Howell howell.faye@epa.gov 703-305-5462 Team Leader, OPP Help Desk Team - Customer and Computer Support/Help-Desk
Financial Management and Planning Branch (FMPB)
Fax: 703-305-5512
Responsible for budget formulation and execution for OPP, contracts and grants management, strategic planning, Working Capital Fund, Time and Accounting Reporting (TAIS), Annual Audits, FAIR Act and FMFIA
Maryann Petrole petrole.maryann@epa.gov 703-308-8685 Branch Chief
Doug Weik weik.doug@epa.gov 703-305-6926 Team Leader, Execution and Contracts Management Team - Budget execution, contracts/grants management, Working Capital Fund, reporting, FMFIA, Fair Act
Maria Sorrell sorrell.maria@epa.gov 703-305-5284 Team Leader, Formulation and Strategic Planning Team - Budget formulation, strategic planning, program evaluation, Performance Measurement
Human Resources and Operations Branch (HROB)
Fax: 703-305-5512
Responsible for oversight and coordination of Human Resources, Facilities Management, Program Operations activities and Special Projects for OPP.
Jeffrey Bryan bryan.jeffrey@epa.gov 703 347-8782 Branch Chief
Denise Cunningham-Abney cunningham-abney.denise@epa.gov 703-305-6680 Senior Advisor - Coordinates Human Resources, Facilities Management, Program Operations activities, special projects for OPP
Emil Regelman regelman.emil@epa.gov 703-305-6084 Team Leader, Program Management and Operations Team - OPP-wide training and development activities
Pam Boyd boyd.pamela@epa.gov 703-305-5732 Team Leader, Human Resources Team - Coordinates personnel actions, personnel security, awards, check-out sheet/customer service request, PARS, PeoplePlus, retirement certificates
Barbara Taylor taylor.barbara@epa.gov 703-305-5009 Team Leader, Facilities Management Team - Space management, equipment maintenance and repairs, property management, physical/internal security issues, purchase card services, facilities issues, audio/visual services
Information Services Branch (ISB)
Fax: 703-305-7670
Responsible for in-processing registrant submissions including applications, studies, administrative information, adverse effects information, fees, and other required information. Manages central collections of regulatory case records, studies and incident reports. Maintains information in OPP's core office-wide databases.
Steve Robbins robbins.steve@epa.gov 703-305-6439 Branch Chief
John Jamula jamula.john@epa.gov 703-305-6426 Central Data Systems and Fees Management In-processing including PRIA actions and fees, Maintenance fees, Data Submitters List, 6(f)(1) use deletions/voluntary cancellations, assignment of EPA company numbers
Norman Spurling spurling.norman@epa.gov 703-305-5835 Team Leader, 6(a)(2) Coordination & Analysis Team, Imaging Jacket Information, Pesticide Product Label System (PPLS)
Bev Sjoblad sjoblad.beverly@epa.gov 703-305-7560 Records management support, PRIA fee waivers, Accessioning Jackets
Teresa Downs downs.teresa@epa.gov 703-305-5363 86-5 screening of studies; Electronic Submission of studies
Louis Vaughn vaughn.louis@epa.gov 703-308-8114 Contracting Officer's Representative for the CDX/Document and Data Management Support (DDMS) Contract. POC for the contractor's PRIA screening and indexing of pesticide product and data submissions, as well as the registration data capture into OPPIN. POC for registration, data and company ownership transfers.
Internet and Training Branch (ITB)
Fax: 703-305-5512
Development and management of the pesticides area of the Agency's public Web site and OPP's intranet site OPP@Work. Office productivity & IT Training.
Nikos Singelis singelis.nikos@epa.gov 703-603-0164 Acting Branch Chief
Vacant     Team Leader, OPP ITRMD Web Team - Pesticides Web Site, OPP Intranet
Public Information and Records Integrity Branch (PIRIB)
Fax: 703-305-5480
Manages all activities associated with: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); coordination of pesticide incident reports; National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) and National Pesticide Medical Monitoring Project (NPMMP grants with Oregon State University; OPP Public Regulatory Docket activities (including FDMS); exemption review of all unpublished documents; and release of studies submitted by registrants.
Calvin Furlow furlow.calvin@epa.gov 703-305-5229 Branch Chief
Earl Ingram ingram.earl@epa.gov 703-305-5456 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Exemption Review
Frank Davido
davido.frank@epa.gov 703-305-7576 Pesticide Incident Response Officer (PIRO) - Provides guidance and coordinates follow up actions on adverse pesticide incident reports/inquiries; NPIC and NPMMP grants with Oregon State University
Sharon McBride
mcbride.sharony@epa.gov 703-305-5232 Manage the operations of the OPP Public Regulatory Docket and the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS)
Janet Bressant
bressant.janet@epa.gov 703-305-6445 Exemption Review Specialist/FIFRA 10 (g) Advisor Exemption Review, Clearance of Studies
Systems Design and Development Branch (SDDB)
Fax: 703-305-5512
Responsible for all major system application maintenance and development to support OPP's staff. In addition, continues to support OPP's legacy systems.
LuAnn Darnell darnell.luann@epa.gov 703-305-6879 Branch Chief
John McCarthy mccarthy.john@epa.gov 703-305-5438 Responsible for identifying, capturing, and documenting the functional requirements for all new, and enhancements to, Information Technology in OPP
John McCarthy mccarthy.john@epa.gov 703-305-5438 Responsible for the design and development of all new software applications and extensive enhancements to existing software for OPP
Jesse Billingslea billingslea.jesse@epa.gov 703-308-8064 Responsible for maintaining ITRMD's applications: PRIA, Notes Databases, Business Objects Query, IT Infrastructure -- both hardware and software

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