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TAO Data availability

These plots show schematically the distribution from 137°E to 95°W of the daily currents from the operational TAO array. Subsurface acoustic doppler current profiles are in red and the subsurface fixed depth currents are in blue. The links below will display similar images for subsurface temperature data, and surface meteorological data. You may display similar plots for all of the daily and higher resolution data, including non-operational sites and historical sites, on the data delivery page.

Subsurface Temperatures | Surface Meteorological Data

Daily acoustic doppler current profile and fixed depth current data availability
137°E 147°E 156°E 165°E 180°W 170°W 155°W 140°W 125°W 110°W 95°W
9°N 9°N
8°N 8°N
5°N 5°N
2°N 2°N
2°S 2°S
5°S 5°S
8°S 8°S
137°E 147°E 156°E 165°E 180°W 170°W 155°W 140°W 125°W 110°W 95°W
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| Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
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Seattle, WA 98115
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