The National Park Service - Experience Your America Office of Policy

Who We Are

We advance the mission of the National Park Service by developing and communicating policy and regulations (and helping others do so), administering the committee management program, and planning and coordinating conferences. We serve as principal staff to the Director in these areas, and support and staff the National Leadership Council and the National Park System Advisory Board.
We are functionally located within the Office of the Director, and we accomplish our mission by doing the following:
  • Provide counsel and support to the Director on policy matters;
  • Manage the NPS Directives System;
  • Assist program managers as they develop policy documents having Service-wide applicability;
  • Prepare Service-wide policy documents for topics that do not clearly lie within the purview of other program areas;
  • Communicate NPS policy Service-wide and to the public;
  • Assist managers and other employees in interpreting and applying policies;
  • Review for policy compliance all significant plans and proposals (e.g., General Management Plans and implementation plans for major developments);
  • Provide technical assistance in drafting and adopting regulations to implement law and policy; and
  • Coordinate Department of the Interior review of draft NPS regulations.
Committee Management
  • Provide Service-wide guidance and coordination for the committee management program;
  • Provide direction and staff support to the National Park System Advisory Board; and
  • Coordinate chartering and appointments for all other boards and committees.
Conference Planning
  • Provide Service-wide leadership in planning and coordinating effective conferences.
National Leadership Council
  • Coordinate and provide staff support for National Leadership Council activities.
Geographic Names
  • Represent the NPS on the U.S. Board on Geographic Names; and
  • Provide Service-wide guidance and coordination on the geographic naming process.