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August 2009

August 4 - 6, 2009
Sixth Annual USEPA Drinking Water Workshop
Small Drinking Water Systems: Challenges and Solutions

The Water Supply and Water Resources Division, NRMRL, ORD and the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, OW, USEPA in cooperation with the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) will be holding the 6th annual workshop on drinking water compliance challenges. The Workshop is designed primarily for state personnel responsible for the compliance of drinking water regulations and the permitting of treatment technology. Past workshops have attracted up to 175 participants with as many as 70 state personnel representing over 40 state drinking water programs. Topics of this workshop will include arsenic, lead, copper, uranium, radium, DBPs, residuals, residuals disposal, treatment costs, and the ground water rule. The workshop will have a work group and poster component.

Registration and logistic information.

August 9 - 12, 2009
First International Congress on Sustainability Science and Engineering: Where Science and Engineered Technologies Meet the Needs of Society
Cincinnati, OH

The purpose of the Congress is to provide a common platform to practitioners of various physical and ecological sciences, engineering fields, economics, and social sciences for exchanging emerging ideas about ways and means of protecting the environment and its resource depletion so that humans can achieve sustained economic growth and societal benefits through generations. Products, processes and systems for sustainability are among the major focus of this conference. Download the ICOSSE flyer. For more information, please see the Institute for Sustainability, a AICHE technology community, web site. There are a limited number of slots for papers, the call for papers and the preliminary program is open until April 30. Registration is now open.

Sponsored by:  U.S. EPA, NSF, NIST, University of Kentucky, AIChE Sustainable Engineering Forum.

Supported by: ASME, ACS Green Chemistry Institute, IChemE

August 13, 2009: Workshop on Water Resources. Cosponsored by NSF, EPA and NIST

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