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Research on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)


There have been substantial changes in the U.S. animal production industry over the past several decades. Although the total number of operations has decreased, overall production has increased. As a result, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are increasing in size and generating considerably more waste requiring disposal over more limited areas. These operations are expanding to the central/southwestern regions of the U.S., where land is less expensive and populations are relatively sparse. CAFO waste releases in the eastern U.S. have prompted a closer evaluation of the environmental impact on surface waters, but a corresponding effort has not been initiated for ground waters. GWERD researchers are evaluating these impacts for ground waters.


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Recent Highlights

Publication: Analysis of Swine Lagoons and Ground Water for Environmental Estrogens, Journal Chromatogr. A, 1017:167-185.

Field Project: Effect of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) on Ground Water Quality (PDF)
(1 pg, 49.4K) Contact: Steve Hutchins (hutchins.steve@epa.gov)

Field Project: Transport and Fate of Nitrate and Pathogens at a Dairy Lagoon Water Application Site: an Assessment of CNMP Performance (PDF)
(1 pg, 45.1K) Contact: Steve Hutchins (hutchins.steve@epa.gov)

Field Project: Microbiological Impact of Agricultural and CAFO Activities on Surface Water Quality (PDF)
(1 pg, 82.7K) Contact: Yolanda Olivas (olivas.yolanda@epa.gov)

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