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Quality Assurance in the Mid-Atlantic Region

Mid-Atlantic Environmental Science Center Quality Assurance Quick Finder

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Quality Assurance

The primary goal of the Region’s Quality Management System (a.k.a. quality assurance program) is to ensure that environmental data activities performed by or for the Region will result in the production of data that is of adequate quality to support the Agency’s scientific decisions or actions. In order for this data to be used with a high degree of certainty, its quality must be known and documented. This goal will be achieved by ensuring that appropriate resources are made available and proper procedures followed throughout the planning, implementation and evaluation phases of each environmental project.


Environmental information or data is defined as any measurements or information that describe environmental processes, location, or conditions; ecological or health effects and consequences; or the performance of environmental technology. For EPA Region 3, environmental information also includes data compiled from other sources such as data bases or literature or produced from models.

If your project involves environmental data, as defined here, you need QA.

Region 3 Quality Policy

It is Region 3 policy that all environmental data and information collected and/or used in the process of decision-making are of known quality, suitable for its intended use, with all aspects of collection and analysis thoroughly documented; such documentation being verifiable and defensible. This policy applies to all data collected for environmental operations, including environmental technology activities, performed directly by or for the Region. This includes all Federal, State, Tribal and local partners under interagency and financial assistance agreements; contractors funded by EPA; regulated entities and potentially responsible parties.

the Quality System Pie

The Quality System PIE

P = Planning — Development of sampling network design, generation of appropriate data quality indicators, selection of measurement and analytical methodologies, standard operating procedures

I = Implementation — Just do what you planned!

E = Evaluation — Use of review, audit and assessment tools to determine whether environmental data operations comply with EPA Quality Assurance Policy

Quality Assurance Staff Expertise


Environmental Science Center's Quality Assurance Mailbox

Regional QA Manager

Region 3 QA Staff in Philadelphia, Pa.

Region 3 QA Staff in Fort Meade, Md.

Division/Office Quality Assurance Coordinators

Air Protection Division

Chesapeake Bay Program Office

Environmental Assessment and Innovation Division

Hazardous Site Cleanup Division

Land and Chemicals Division

Office of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice

Office of Policy Management

Water Protection Division

Mid-Atlantic Region | Mid-Atlantic Env'l Assessment and Innovation | Mid-Atlantic Env'l Science Center

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