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There are a variety of career opportunities in the environmental field. From policy-making to laboratory research to communications, many people work every day to protect our environment.

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EPA has developed a suite of Web sites for teachers and students. We apply stringent standards to select the best sites on the Web for each audience.

teachers resources page Teaching Center
Designed to provide educators with the background information, curriculum resources, and activity ideas necessary to incorporate environmental education into lesson plans.
Kids Club screen capture EPA Environmental Kids Club
Help students in grades K-5 understand basic environmental concepts. Kids will find the Club a neat place to "hang out" and will enjoy the fun graphics and games.
EPA Student Center screen capture

EPA Student Center
Provides middle school students with environmental information and activities aimed at them. Use it for help with homework, or as a fun place to learn about the environment.

highschool screen capture

High School Environmental Center
A sophisticated site for high school students (and quite a few adults) to learn about the environment, research environmental topics, and find information on projects and careers.


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