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France Local time: 02:17 PM

Textiles - Best Prospect 2009

In 2007, the French textile industry (including apparel) had about 900 companies (with at least 20 persons) employing 85 000 people.  French textile companies (including apparel) generated a sales volume of USD 10.7 billion.  In 2007, total French textile imports (including apparel) were valued at USD 9.5 billion, while total French textile exports (including apparel) for the same period amounted to USD 6.4 billion.

In 2007, the following textile sub-sectors have registered an increase:

* Household textiles: plus 4.3 percent
* Men's wear:  plus 3.7 percent
* Children's wear: plus 2.3 percent
* Women's wear: plus 0.4 percent

In 2007, the major textile suppliers were China (18%), Italy (12%), Germany (6%), followed byTurkey (10%), India (4%), and Tunisia/Portugal/Bangladesh (4%).  The ending of the quotas which took place on January 1st 2005 is still affecting considerably the textile industry.

China and Asia are continuing to reinforce their position as the world's number one exporter once again.  Consequently, Europeans and American suppliers have to face the challenge of competing against low-prices and large supplies representing a real challenge.

United States textile exports to France are mainly composed of sportswear and technical textiles.  The advantageous of American suppliers are their know-how and their ability to adapt quickly to the change and create new products. 

Technical textiles, representing about 9% of the textile industry are particularly present in the following industries:

- Transportation (26 percent)
- Sport and Leisure (15 percent)
- Construction (7 percent)
- Medical (6 percent)
- Agriculture (6 percent)
- Packaging (5 percent)
- Industrial protection (5 percent)
- Miscellaneous industries (15 percent)

Best Prospects/Services      
The U.S. technical textiles manufacturers have a strong reputation for their technological know-how.  Therefore, their new challenges are to develop functional textiles called "textiles of the future" for the following industries:  construction, medical, health and well-being, and "techno-textiles" for the sportswear.

Best prospects within this sector are:

- The textiles based on comfort, health and safety for the sport/leisure market (i.e.: anti-bacterial, anti-odor, insect repellent, and breathable products);

- Techno-textiles with electronic devices and communication systems incorporate in the garments;

- Technical textiles for transportation (automotive and aeronautics) and health (hospitals, personal care, hygiene) industries.


The best opportunities will be offered to U.S. companies, which are able to inovate new technologies to develop innovative products which are in real demand.


Sources and textile trade associations:

Union des Industries Textiles - U.I.T.
(Textile Trade Association)
37/39, rue de Neuilly
92110 Clichy
Tel: (33-1)
Fax: (33-1)

Union Française des Industries de l'Habillement - U F I H
(French Trade Association for apparel industries)
8, rue Montesquieu
75001 Paris
Tel: (33-1)
Fax: (33-1)

Centre de Renseignements Statistiques des Douanes
(French Customs Authorities - Statistical Data)
8, rue de la Tour des Dames
75436 Paris cedex 09
Tel: (33-1)
Fax: (33-1)

Major trade shows:
* Lingerie trade show -
(January 2009) 
* Paris Mode City  (lingerie, swimwear and fabrics)
(September 5- 7, 2009)
* Interselection trade show (International fashion exhibition for multiple retailers)
(April 6-8, 2009 / November 2009)
* Women's wear trade show -
(September 4-7, 2009 / January, 2010)
* Who's Next trade show  (International Fashion Show) -
(September 4-7, 2009 /January, 2010)
* Premiere Vision (Fabrics trade show) -
(September 15-18, 2009)

U.S. Embassy Commercial Service Trade Specialists:
Phone: (+33-1) 43 12 76 98

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