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AWIS - Association for Women in Science

A Network, A Resource, A Voice

Job Market Got You Worried? 

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AWIS Membership Includes:

  • Networking, Networking, Networking
  • On-line electronic mentoring through MentorNet
  • Four issues of our award-winning AWIS Magazine.
  • Bi-monthly e-newsletter, Washington Wire.
  • Discounts on all AWIS programs and services including professional COACHING and leadership development workshops.

For fastest service, call 703.934.1223.

For Our Members

Have you checked out the new job listings in our career development center?

Power Up Your Career with AWIS' new Coaching Program

AWIS members in academe can now participate in MentorNet's award winning e-mentoring program for free.  Learn how you can sign up today

Check Out Our Chapters

AWIS chapters are a great way to network in your local community.  Check out our newest chapter -- LA/Ventura County in Thousand Oaks, CA www.awislavc.org.

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News and Events


All New Mentoring Handbook for Women in STEM

Getting the Most out of your Mentoring Relationships

  • Provides a quick yet structured guide to mentoring
  • Includes a handy resource guide for quick reference
  • Is the most comprehensive handbook catered to women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

To Order Now>>

AWIS Responds to Washington Post Article

Criticizing Title IX
In her most recent assault on gender equity for women in academic science and engineering, Christina Hoff Sommers suggests that President Obama's suggestion that Title IX be used to advance parity for women in science and engineering fields should give readers pause. In a joint response, AWIS and SWE note she missed several crucial points.

Read the AWIS and SWE Response Here


AWIS Coaching Program Spring Career Tele-Seminars

How do you stand out when the job market is more crowded than ever before? You strengthen your networking skills, that’s how! On May 7, join Peggy Wallace, active member of the AWIS San Diego chapter and founder of Making Conversation, LLC, for Networking Now - When Everyone is Looking: How To Be More Effective in the Current "Crowded" Marketplace (7 PM Eastern) and learn practical strategies and tools you can use right now.

Programs are available at a special discounted rate of only $14.95 for AWIS members (24.95 for non-members).

Click here for more information and register today!

April 28 is Equal Pay Day
On Tuesday, we recognize the day as an important reminder of the persistent wage gap and the urgent need to take action to ensure that women can receive equal pay for equal work.  Check out the wage gap for women in STEM.

Corporate and Institutional Members


Special thanks to our corporate and institutional members for their support! 

See how your company can benefit from our nationwide network.

Join AWIS today




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