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Palestinian construction workers leaving a new construction site in Maale Adumim, the largest Israeli settlement town in the West Bank on Thursday.
Rina Castelnuovo for The New York Times
An Israeli leftist advocacy group said on Friday it was starting a campaign to help Palestinians sue the state of Israel for its use of their privately owned lands for Jewish settlement in the West Bank.
Morgan Tsvangirai said on Friday that he would join his nemesis, President Robert Mugabe, as prime minister in a power-sharing government.
While no final decision has been made — and travel schedules are fickle — Clinton is leaning toward a trip that could include Japan and China, officials said.
An international panel of marine scientists says oceanic acidity is accelerating so fast it threatens the survival of coral reefs, shellfish and the marine food web generally.
NATO was reeling Friday after the leaking of a classified document in which the military alliance's supreme commander of Europe proposed that NATO soldiers serving in Afghanistan shoot drug traffickers without waiting for proof.
Russia's Crisis I
For the first time in nearly 10 years, Moscow has the impetus to work with the West.
Today's Topic:
Facing the failure of the war on drugs in Afghanistan, some have proposed that the U.S. buy the entire Afghan opium crop. Share your thoughts.
Some toys are experiencing sales growth while others are just trying to ride out the economic crisis.
Chefs from around the world cook for expert judges
Defense Secretary Robert Gates calls Afghanistan America's greatest challenge.
Traditional drugs used to fight malaria are losing their effectiveness.
Associations carrying the 'without borders' name are growing in numbers.
Japan's top automakers are bracing for losses and planning to restructure in response.
Claus Dietrich Lahrs, the CEO of Hugo Boss, speaks with Suzy Menkes
Surfing's sunny image is being questioned in a new documentary.
The viewing stands from the inaugural parade are still coming down, but the White House is already alive with ...
Mwangi Mukmi travels to Washington from Nairobi, Kenya to witness the inauguration.
"Secondary" forests that are emerging in tropical regions have set off a debate over saving primeval rain forests.
Serena and Venus Williams won their eighth Grand Slam women's doubles title on Friday.
IHT Classifieds
Thomas Taylor, a peer at the House of Lords, speaking to undercover reporters who introduced themselves as representatives of a businessman seeking tax relief in Britain.
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