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Climate Leaders Meeting

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December 3-5, 2007

Hotel Boulderado
2115 13th Street
Boulder, Colorado


Monday, December 3, 2007

4:00 PM
Introduction to the Climate Leaders Program for New Partners
A Q&A introductory session on GHG inventories and goal-setting
  • Manuel Oliva, Climate Leaders Program, U.S. EPA
  • Bella Tonkonogy, Climate Leaders Program, U.S. EPA (PDF) (27 pp, 1.3MB)
6:00 PM
Welcome Reception in Mezzanine
Sponsored by Lockheed Martin Corporation

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

8:00 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM
Welcome Address
  • Robert E. Roberts, Regional Administrator, Region 8, U.S. EPA
8:45 AM
Climate Leaders Program Update
  • Jim Sullivan, Director, Climate Leaders Program, U.S. EPA (PDF) (20 pp, 824K)
9:15 AM
Review of 2007 State and Federal Policy Developments
  • Reid Harvey, Chief, Program Integration Branch, U.S. EPA (PDF) (17 pp, 213K)
  • James Martin, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
10:30 AM
Progress Reports from Climate Leaders Partners
12:30 PM
Depart for Site Tours
1:00 PM
Choice of Ball Aerospace, Coors Brewery, EPA Region 8 HQ Green Building, or
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
7:30 PM
Optional Group Dinner at Bacaro Venetian Taverna

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

8:00 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM
Beyond the Low-Hanging Fruit
9:15 AM
Morning Breakout Sessions
Cutting-Edge Energy Management Practices
  • Moderator: Manuel Oliva, Climate Leaders Program, U.S. EPA
  • Heather Tansey, Senior Scientist, Environmental Initiatives & Sustainability, 3M (PDF) (21 pp, 592K)
  • Bruce Wallington, Senior Director, EHS External Affairs, Merck & Co.
Financial Mechanisms for Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reduction Projects
  • Moderator: Leslie Cordes, Chief, Energy Supply & Industry Branch, U.S. EPA (PDF) (5 pp, 101K)
  • Clay G. Nesler, Vice President, Global Energy and Sustainability, Johnson Controls, Inc. (PDF) (13 pp, 433K)
  • Scott Stallard, Senior Business Manager and Ray Nocella, Manager of Facilities Engineering, Lockheed Martin (PDF) (11 pp, 618K)
Capitalizing on Incentives for On-Site Renewables
10:30 AM
Next Frontier: Supply Chain Carbon Management
11:30 AM
Climate Technology: Near-term and Long-term Solutions
12:15 PM
Sponsored by Lockheed Martin Corporation
1:00 PM
Partner Recognition Event
Announcement of GHG Reduction Goal Achievers, Goal Setters, and New Partners
  • Senior EPA Official
2:00 PM
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Should You Go Carbon Neutral?
  • Moderator: Bella Tonkonogy, Climate Leaders Program, U.S. EPA
  • Stephen J. Myers, VP and Practice Leader, Environmental Risk Management Practice, Thomas Rutherfoord, Inc. (PDF) (24 pp, 859K)
  • Lindell Sneed, Manager, Environmental Programs, Abbott (PDF) (22 pp, 694K)
  • Discussion of EPA Carbon Neutral Goals & EPA Offsets Guidances
A Moving Target: Tackling GHGs from Transportation
  • Moderator: Sarah Froman, SmartWay Transport Partnership, U.S. EPA (PDF) (12 pp, 467K)
  • Tom Estock, Corporate Environmental Manager, Quad/Graphics (PDF) (17 pp, 521K)
  • Kevin J. Igli, Senior Vice President & Chief EH&S Officer, Tyson Foods (PDF) (6 pp, 136K)
Data Center Efficiency
3:00 PM
Innovations in Implementing Employee GHG Reduction Initiatives
4:00 PM
Feedback and Strategic Planning: Next Steps for Climate Leaders
Discussion questions provided in advance
5:00 PM

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